Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

I candled my eggs today from Frank Reese at day 8 and it looks like most are developing.... I will know more in another week but YEAH!
I was concerned since they had a little bit of a rough ride getting her.

Good luck with your hatch. My first try at hatching upright in the egg carton is due to hatch Sunday.
Miserable cold day, so she didn't want to pose, but rather just hunker down.

This fella is now coming up on his birthday. The coloration is much lighter, to the eye, than the cell phone camera captured.

That is our breeding trio of hens he is guarding in the background. He's a gentle giant, who weighs over 11 pounds.
Thank you all for posting the tip about hatching upright! This morning I found 9 out of 11 of my GSBRs out, big robust chicks. One is still pipping, no action out of the 11th egg yet but sometimes they are late. What a difference over last week's hatch, where only 4 out of 10 hatched! I never would have thought about doing this since all the other breeds were hatching fine. Hmmm, the Black Copper Marans sometimes have trouble. Maybe I will start hatching them upright as well.
Good afternoon guys and gals,

I'm looking for heritage Barred Rock hatching eggs that aren't too expensive. I've met a local breeder, but he won't have any available till fall. I was hopin.g to get going on a little flock a lot sooner than Spring:). Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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