Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

I am trying to back track my barred rocks. Mine came from tom Durgan/Tony Albriton via Bob Colter. Really nice big birds and have done well in the two show I have put some in. PVT to me if you might have some info for me.

These pictures do not do them justice. The wind was blowing or my camera could not get a good pose but thought I would put them out there.

Pullet 95

Pullet 90

Cockeral 90

Just for fun...which pullet is commercial and which one is heritage?
Left A Right B

I have been teaching a backyard chicken class fall and winter. I always take APA and if I have some commercial birds of the same breed I put them side by side. People are shocked at the difference not only in size but also color and confirmation.

When we moved from Florida to South Carolina, we were not able to bring them with us.........

OH NO! If my roo was doing his thing I could hook you up. If you don't find any by Jan check with me and see if he is back in the swing.... or I have a new roo LOL. I will have some solid rocks in the spring too. I have a Blue and Black from Brookhaven's birds and I am going to put them over my GSBR pullets from Frank Reese and some of my barred pullets from my Roo from Matt1616 for sex linked pullets. I can toss some SBEL in there too
Thanks Donna!! , you are a sweetheart!! I would love to get some from your Brookhaven birds. Those were from my flock and I really liked the way that cross clicked. Espically interested in the blue over the GSBRs. That is the combination I used, I had a splash instead of the blue cock bird though. I will remind you in January Even if I am able to find some. I only kept a splash cock and a black pullet, so I do have a start, just not what I am wanting......stan

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