Barred Rocks Good Shepard Poulty Ranch

thank you it was the first time to show or really be at a show
really liked it think i will be going to a few more
meet a lot of nice people and learned some to
HOO-RAH that's is just great. Goes to show that "us" BYCers have the means, modes, and determinations to compete with the big boys and girls HUH?

HOO-RAH that's is just great. Goes to show that "us" BYCers have the means, modes, and determinations to compete with the big boys and girls HUH?


hahaha! YES, WE DO ! ! !
Thanks to Jeremy!
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If anyone is interested, I have put together a list of plymouth rock breeders for 2012. If you would like to add your BYC name and current state I think it would be a great way to get to know one another, and also sale some of your stock to help prolong the longevity of this breed in the states and abroad. If your interested just follow the directions at the top of the thread. With the great pics I have seen of these birds I am sure there will be some interest, ( I personally had to have paper napkins next to me while strolling through this thread
) .
here is the link :
I think that proves what a great hobby this is. You dont have to be a millionaire or know the judge or any of the other political things that go on in other livestock species. Congratulations!!
How do the combs stand up in winter??? I had a nasty frost bit comb on a roo a couple of years ago and would like to avoid that scenario again in the future.
I just weighed a couple of my 8 month old cockerels today, one to keep as a breeder and one for processing. They both were in the 9 1/2 pound range. Seemed big for 8 to 9 moths old. Do you think they are pretty much done growing? Isn't that the size called for in the SOP for a full grown rooster?? Looking forward to my first Good Shepherd dinner, hope I'm not dissapointed. .....stan

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