Basics on Button Quail


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2022
Hi all!
I'm planning on getting button quail, and I need info on proper cleaning of their environment. First, I'm planning on getting 4 quails and having them in a 40 gallon breeder fish tank (without water!). Will this be enough room for them? Second, how do I properly clean their tank? And is 4 females a good idea? Also, where should I get them from? I'm so sorry about all the questions! I'll probably have more though, lol :lol:
Oh! One more thing, young birds need heating lamps, right? What is the span of time that button quails need heat lamps?
A 40 gallon tank is a good size for a pair, but small for four. Personally, I take the birds out, dump out all of the shavings, hose it all out, dry it, then put new shavings in. This is why I use 50 gallon plastic bins instead of aquariums. Much easier to move, less likely to break.

Buttons over 3 weeks old shouldn't need a heat lamp and should be comfortable in room temperatures. If you want to be safe, you can keep them under heat until they're 4 weeks old.

Have you done your research on how to what to feed them? If not, this article is on coturnix quail, but buttons have very similar needs. The main difference is that buttons aren't nearly as cold hardy as coturnix.
Everything you could possibly want to know and more about button quail can be found in a book by Jodi McDonald (A closer look at button quail). It's hard to find on Amazon or other sites and outrageously priced, better to just order from her website direct. Here's a link to her site.
Everything you could possibly want to know and more about button quail can be found in a book by Jodi McDonald (A closer look at button quail). It's hard to find on Amazon or other sites and outrageously priced, better to just order from her website direct. Here's a link to her site.
Do you have that book 007Sean? -- what does it say about the button quail's reasoning skills?
Yes, I have an autographed one from her. That's one thing I think that isn't covered in her book....button quail reasoning! :( Doesn't cover psychology of button quail but everything else.
Please dont keep your quail in fish tanks. They have poor ventilation and that can make the birds sick if they are breathing dirty air, they can not see glass so it would stress them out trying to go through it and not understanding why. I feel like a tank would be hard to clean too. You would have to remove the birds, reach in from the top and scoop out the bedding, put in fresh bedding, wipe down the glass, then put the birds back. You would probably need to wipe the glass often because they kick up bedding and dust. I would recommend a large indoor guinea pig cage or you could build your own cage.

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