Bathing a molting, sick chicken


Free Ranging
Aug 19, 2020
Kitsap, WA
Is it ok to bathe my molting, sick (liver disease) girl? I know that their molting makes them sensitive to touch, and she already stays apart from the rest of the flock. She has poo hanging/caked onto her rear fluff. She looks uncomfortable. She is not easy to catch, but not impossible. The roost is not the easiest to access to get her down at night.
Is it ok to bathe my molting, sick (liver disease) girl? I know that their molting makes them sensitive to touch, and she already stays apart from the rest of the flock. She has poo hanging/caked onto her rear fluff. She looks uncomfortable. She is not easy to catch, but not impossible. The roost is not the easiest to access to get her down at night. View attachment 3288961
I agree, it's best to just trim the feathers.

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