'Bator full of turkey and guinea eggs


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 26, 2009
We have a 'bator full of guinea and turkey eggs due to hatch next Sunday 6-19-11. Guess what hatched? 2 of the cutest little peeps. I'm so glad there are 2 of them. They were in tiny little eggs that look like guinea eggs. lol My grandkids told me on Friday that they heard peeping from the bator. I said - naw can't be - that is just the birds from outside.

When I went in to turn the eggs that evening there was a little peeper looking up at me. That was so funny. This way they will be ready for the turkey and guinea training. Have a good day.
Aww,thats so kewl ,I bet the grandkids are excited and really like that they hatched early !

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