Batten down the hatches a hurricanes coming!


12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
Tonight we are supposed to get hit there are several warnings out for are area its raining hard here now but I don't mind because we needed rain but I don't like the wind thats forcast to come. We should be fine though the coop is secure and I need to just check in on the hens now it is looking like it won't get bad till later anyone else preparing just incase ?

Henry - I'll be praying that you all come through with no problems. Glad that you are prepared for both you and your chickens.
I should be fine it is making land fall in the carolinas but sometimes it is bad here but never really destructive because we are fairly far from the shore and the wetlands and bay obsorbe the shock.

Wind and rain headed this way later from TS Hanna. We've put away all the stuff on the deck and rolled up the awning. Got some stuff to pick up off the basement floor in case we get water down there. Which we will. We've done a lot of laundry in anticipation of power outages. Made sure we have batteries for some flashlights. That kind of thing. I'm sure we'll lose power.
Hold on tight everyone and stay safe!
It almost seemed earlier as if it was going to be fine. I even saw hints of almost sunshine. Now it's coming down in torrents and I wish the chickens would go inside. The big ones have enough dry space,as they have an extended covered "porch" but they are very wet and I couldnt get them in the coop.
My 4 month olds have a small completely enclosed run attached to the shed. The shed wall has a hole in the back, and thats their "pop door". Unfortunately, it was a temporary run, and is only 2 feet high and totally covered in chicken wire.. and I cannot just step in and grab them and shove them in the shed. So they are stuck huddled under a sheet of plywood and a tarp until DH gets home from work. They wont go in the shed because there is a large puddle by their "door"
I'm kicking myself now. I may have made a big mistake. I should have left the big ones in their coop, and blocked the little ones in the shed. Then they'd at least be dry...
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Mine have 2 houses they could go in if they want, but they are just all standing out there getting roo continues to crow in all this wind and rain!! I don't understand why they just don't go in???? They are all soaked and standing together. One of my horses won't go in either..I have my 5 month old filly locked in her stall , but the other 3 have access to their stalls if they want it. The 2 boys are in but my mare refuses to go in. I have tried and tried to get her in and she won't go, she has been standing out in it all day. I feel so bad for her, but if she didn't want to be out, I guess she wouldn't be out in it.
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The storm is here now. I carried hen Ellie indoors and then went to do the same with BJ roo but he insisted on just being herded in. In July I lost BJ's hen friend Annie one day after an unexpected storm with hail. They wouldn't come in in the middle of it and the next day she had a heart attack by all indications - sadly, she died. Whether the storm was the cause I don't know but I am now paranoid. She had appeared to be the picture of health. Now I have Ellie as a friend for BJ and don't want either of them getting freaked out by the high winds and heavy rain. They would probably be fine but....
it is blowing now not to hard and the rain is almost stopped the clouds are moving so fast ! all my girls stayed out also they did go under their coop for a little. Chickens don't seem to mind the rain
if I had chicks I would be more careful and put them in I am not getting chicks for 5 weeks. I hope everyone stays safe its passed up buy with just a few tree limbs and branches down

Good luck everyone,


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