Bay Area Meet Up/Chicken Swap - Sunday October 10th!

Yeah I keep telling myself that same "no more chickens" lie. This whole thing started out with, "Let's get 2 laying hens." Then it was, "Well, let's get 3... no, let's get 4, just to round it off." Followed by, "If we can do 4, we can do 5."

Fastforward to today: We have 8, but the 2 cockerels have GOT to go, and my one welsummer is likely going to be going to the big eggbasket in the sky pretty soon (she has a mole on her face that was cute a month ago but has gotten so huge it is impinging on her eye now & I think she's blind on that side--it is almost 1/4 the size of her whole head at this point & I am not going to spend $300 at the vet to have a mole removed from my chicken's face, I'm sorry.... I could barely afford the copayment I had to dig up this month for my OWN surgical procedure, much less for plastic surgery on my chicken).
Yes - especially funny since I only have six chickens!

I am looking forward to this! Yippee!!

Handle? dldolan
Real Name? Dawn
# adults/ # kids attending? Just Moi!
Food/Drinks bringing? choose from above Wine from Sonoma County!

Chickens bringing?
HMM, I have either a laying 6 month old Blue Cochin or a (hopefully starting soon to lay) 5 month old Welsummer I would trade for a similarly aged Blue or Silver Americauna/Easter egger. If anyone has a pink egg layer, that would be interesting, too! I am a color and texture gal, so am aiming for a mixed flock of beauties with a myraid of egg colors! or...

Hopeful purchasing/swapping?
I would swap some wine (I work for award winning wineries up here--lucky me!) for some viable eggs if I have a hen broody at that time! With no broody hen, maybe a pullet or two at 3-5 months old per bottle?? I see folks have a variety of beauties that might be feasible. Anyone willing (Cheryl, three calico cochin eggs for a bottle??) could send me a private message, please!

I have some acreage and could trade some produce as well! Right now have squash, bartlett pears (anjou coming in a few weeks), basil, basil, basil, Kale, artichokes, hot peppers, eggplant... we'll see what's available in a month if anyone wants to trade me for a garden box!!

Did I miss something
I assume we'll get an email with the actual address sometime in the future?

Thanks to all of you for setting this up!! I am so thrilled and grateful to have the opportunity to get together!

My hens are happily scratching under the fig tree,

Blue cochin below!
Sunday October 10th: 11 to 3 works for me! What type of food do we need? How many have RSVP'd so far?

We need more main dishes at this point, I feel. I know I thought of picking up something simple like polish dogs or burger pattys, I'm no good at using a grill but I'm more than happy to help supply the meat(s).

I think at this point maybe 8 people have replied? With a couple bringing SO or children, so I think the total may be near 12, give or take?
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I would love to attend........... I will be coming from Turlock & can pick up others on the way if anyone needs a ride. If anyone is farther south/east than I & they want to drive to Turlock I can drive the rest of the way.
I can bring whatever you need most of to eat. Let me know. If I don't hear from you I will bring a main course.
All I have extra are some various aged Black Copper Marans.
Do I need to bring chairs?........................ Better yet, what all do I need to bring. This is a first for me. I didn't know how to access the form to reply so I hope this gets to where it need to go. A computer geek I am not!!!!
Oh yeah, can we bring chicken loving guests?
Karen in Turlock
We are so excited about this get together! Thank you so much to everyone who is organizing it and to Cheryl for hosting it! It will be fun to meet other chicken lovers!

Handle? PetRock
Real Name? Debi
# adults/ # kids attending? 2 (myself and 1 adult daughter) maybe 3 if hubby decides to come/ 1 my 9 yr. old chicken enabler daughter
Food/Drinks bringing? choose from above We can bring a main dish plus something else if there are needs in a different category.
Chickens bringing? No chickens coming with us, just pics
Hopeful purchasing/swapping? Would LOVE to add to our flock but can't decide what kinds we want.
We are at 7 with a limit of 10 and the list of what we want is way longer than 3 more. I'm really trying to hold off until next spring! Yah, right!!! I have discovered that I really excell at chicken math!

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