BB gun pellet in hen’s poop?


Nov 14, 2020
Hi all,
Just a few minutes ago my hen had a poop and I noticed something weird in it. I examined it and my best guess is a BB gun pellet. I took pictures, it has an edge around it that juts out, which I tried to show in the last picture. The hen who pooped it out is Eddie, my 9 year old arthritic hen. She seems to be fine, I will update if she starts to act unwell but since it’s already out of her I would assume she will be fine, I’m now just curious to anyone’s guess about what this object could be.

It’s also not completely out there to assume it’s a BB gun pellet, my neighbor, before I knew about this, would try to shoot rats at night with his BB gun and I’m sure quite a few pellets went into our yard since their chicken coop was very close to ours.
I think it’s rubber, it doesn’t sound or feel like metal
Any ideas on this object? @azygous @Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock @dawg53 @TwoCrows @speckledhen


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If it is non-metal, I would put my money on calling this an Airsoft pellet. It's likely some kids firing them off randomly in the area and your hen thought it was a berry to eat.

Certainly no harm in keeping an eye on this hen, but I doubt anything interesting will come from this. Hens do eat rocks and other debris all the time with no issues.
Thanks for the responses!

It could be an airsoft pellet, never thought of that.

I did my experiments on it, so @aart i did use my nail file and I was able to file it. I then put it in water and it floated, I took a picture too. I stuck it to magnets and it is not magnetic. I would assume rubber?

I think it’s an old pellet from the neighbor shooting rats at night, he is deceased now and I don’t think the family will want to talk about it but I can send them a picture and ask, if it is from him, then it would be 4 years + old. Besides that there are not many kids around here and my next door neighbors are all older. I will keep my eye out, it could be the people behind my property, I always had a weird feeling about them.


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Also it is not heavy, but I can’t make a mark on it with my fingernail, maybe because it’s old?

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