BBQ: Bacon Explosion!

Do you deliver??
You have got me be a pro cook or something- that looks to good
ok so here is what I did...

i made the bacon weave, then instead of using the sausage i used ground beef, i also added the mushrooms and onions.

it was a little hard to roll because it was so full thank goodness when i was making the bacon weave i placed it on tin foil because i used that to help me roll it.

I baked in a 350 deg oven for 60 minuted and glazed it with the BBQ sauce and baked the BBQ sauce so it was golden brown.

I sliced it like Frugal did and it was GREAT
It's love

Remember, meat does not give you a heart attack. Neither do natural fats. It is the sugars and starches along with polyunsaturated vegetable oils and trans fats that cause heart disease.

Eat your bacon explosion with out guilt or remorse. Just skip the toast and hashbrowns.
Trying this now. I'm using the oven though, no charcoal
It's 9:30 so if I like it, I'll make one that mom can eat for lunch. She doesn't like honey bbq which is what I'm using on this one. I guess I'll have to find some other juice for hers

EDIT: I used ground beef too, it was on sale yesterday for 75 cents a pound

Okay, it tastes great. The thing I will add next time is cheese mushrooms and some onions. Other than that, its amazing. I expected it to be dry for some reason but its moist and yummy. Everyone should try it. Thanks Frugal for the guide!
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I had a few friends over for dinner last night, and they brought over bacon to cook for the burgers we were grilling. It made me think of this thread. If you can, imagine a room crammed full of people, each of them craning to see the screen and drooling over the pictures, vowing to cook it one day. The next several minutes was spent in discussing the brilliance of the person willing to share such a recipe . . . yep, I am recruiting more fans.
That is the most delicious looking thing! I want to try it on my smoker. Anything with bacon is totally awesome.

Frugal Squirrel is my HERO............

Sandy and the Girls
I made one of these a few weeks ago, found it on another site...

Let me tell you Good uhmmm...Good...

But I did feel like I was going to have a heart attack, I think it was more mental then anything. U gotta use thick cut bacon for the outside roll up to help hold it together.

I don't have a smoker, but I did mine on the grill and it turned out great....

Must try at least once! I think the next one I will make will be for the Superbowl, gotta space these puppies out, for my hearts sake...

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