BE VERY Careful of HOARDER Breeders!!!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Please, when you buy, ask to see the whole operation. Do NOT SETTLE for someone bringing you eggs or chicks up from a basement.

Please - it is so important.
I live on LI and that's about as much as I can say, but there is a breeder who is raising massive amounts of chicks, and in terrible conditions. The same breeder is cranking out Runner Ducks, Toulouse and Sebbie Geese, and is now getting Marans from a breeder selling out in Ga. I only sish I could talk to that breeder to let him know
Millie Fleurs are the next victims. That's all I can say sad.

So, to avoid that , please Ask to See the Whole Breeding Area.
See the coops, cleanliness, and health and living area of the parents.

Please be careful and enjoy your poultry.
Welcome, and I hope this gets people to really look at the cleanliness of an operation.
ha is this the same person on LI who says in craigs list that runners are very quiet
cause mine arent!

I hate seeing her ads cause they are generlly a lot of lies about the breeds she sells. I sell runners too once and a while and make sure to tell the people the truth about them so they can make an educated purchase.

and let me tell you how loud those quackers are!
Awww thats soo sad!!!! Anytime i sell anything I let people see where they are raised, anyone who has been here (a few BYC members) will have nothing but good things to say. Some folks don't let people see their operations for bio security reasons. I like to see where my birds come from if i buy from a breeder but I have come across a few that don't allow people to do so. A breeder I bought brown/red cochins from last year had a problem with asian folks stealing her birds,eggs and everything so some may have valid reasons why they don't allow that.
I agree with the other posts that it is scary and also thanks for the tip. I get my birds from Well known hatcheries but some of my co-workers don't and are always telling me about these great deals they are getting. I have often wondered about that.
I will let someone see my setup- from a distance. If they have chickens already, I won't let them get close at all, nor do I let them handle a bird and then say no, I want that one instead.
Once you touch it, it's going home with you.

So I have found a compromise to the problem. I realize not everyone has the landscape to do that, but it's worked for me. As soon as the buyer leaves, I scrub again.
Sounds like the chickens version of a puppy mill. In this case not a breeder but a producer. Just producing chicks to sell and make money. I find anyone having over a few breeds is not really breeding at that point but producing if they call themselves a breeder. To be a good breeder and do it right one must have enough space to mate of couple and trios and keep records. That is hard to do after a certain amount of breeds.

Health wise I would not even try to do that in a basement. There is no way a basement is big enough to breed more than 2 breeds and even that is pushing it. Oh of bantams too not standards. Most big house basements would harldy be big enough for two no matter five breeds.
I housed babies and seramas in my basement over the winter with no issues but dust and even then if you stay on top of cleaning its not too bad.It was certainly cost efficient rather than having them outdoors where the temps were -40 at times.

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