Beak/nostrils bleeding


15 Years
Mar 10, 2008
Asheville, NC
Well, guess I should know not to let my yorkie get near the coop. She scared the girls and it looks like Lola (white leghorn) banged her beak and it's bleeding. I can't tell if her beak cracked or not - she is not having any trouble eating/drinking with it. I can't tell if it stopped bleeding yet, but it doesn't look like it's bleeding alot.

Is there anything I should do? I intend to keep a close eye on her, especially on the bleeding.

Thanks for the input in advance.

I would watch her closely but than you may want to wash the beak and inspect it to make sure that nothing major is wrong with it. Good luck
Thanks for the reply. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one out here.

I checked Lola this morning. I don't think her beak is cracked. She hasn't got her full comb in yet and where it grows down to her nostrils on her beak is where she hit it. I see a little dried blood but no swelling or redness.

Thanks again.

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