bears? Really?

We live in mountain lion country. Fish and Game will come out and trap then relocate. I'd call them and see if they'll set up a trap for bear.
I live in the Sierra foothills. I don't have a real bear problem since I move closer to town. Where I used to live was right on the American River cayon. Hardly a week when by that I didn't see a bear, but they didn't cause a real problem. That is until the retirees from LA and San Francisco moved in. They never put the garbage up or cleaned their BBQ. That is when the bear lost all fear of humans. I will tell you this, if a bear wants in, it will get in. Short of a coop made from 1/2 inch steel plate, with no place for it to get its claws in. If you see a bear come around twice, kill it. For it will continue to come back until there is no more food for it. In Ca. the Fish & Game Dept. will give you a permit to kill any predator that goes after livestock. And you do not need this permit if you are in immedite danger.
Well as far as I know, the bear has not returned, at least there are no new prints on the coop!! I live in the Town of Newburgh/ Wallkill area, near the Orange-Ulster County line. After speaking to some of my neighbors I now know they have all seen bear in the area before, guess I just wasn't paying much attention until now! SO, I will keep my eyes peeled and if it should return I will have no problem eliminating the problem with my trusty Winchester. Here in NY you get a bear tag with your Deer permit tags. And it is big game season here right now. Thanks for all the replies.
I live in Eagle Rive, Alaska, which is very heavily populated with bears. I was greatly concerned with them getting at my chickens and bought one of the flexible mesh electric fences. Last summer I goofed up and left the garage door open and found a bear in my garbage. I shouted and it wandered off. After I had cleaned up and closed the door to the garage I went up to the second floor deck and looked down on the chicken area. The bear was making its way along the edge of the electric fence without touching it. My guess is that he sniffed it and got a shock in his nose and decided that the fence was bad news. He went around the perimeter and then off into the woods and I didn't see him again. I can almost guarantee that garbage left outside the garage here will have a bear into it within a week or two. Those fences work. is one site that carries them. It's worth the investment.
Ok, you're on the west side of the river so are in the edge of the NJ/PA/Catskill range of the black bear. I assume that rifles are allowed in the area where you live, some the higher populated areas of NY are restricted to shotgun only for safety reasons.
I always thought your hunting (deer) came in after ours. We just had bear season here and the one that weighs about 300 pounds was not shot. I have my chickens in the barn and it would be very easy for the bear to get them. But my dog barks if a mouse pees on a cotton ball in the barn. You can tell the difference in her bark when something else is out there. I have already called the fish and game and they said I can shot it if it's after my livestock. I didn't tell him it was chickens. lol

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