Beautiful little bantam rooster in Lancaster, PA

Aww. We have four D'uccle hens and are in Lancaster. He would look so cute with them!

Unfortunately we already have 2 roosters.

Good luck finding him a home! D'uccles are becoming very popular around here. I'm sure someone will want him!
I have a pair of them, and they are very docile. The mille fleur d'uccle roosters are usually docile, but the mille fleur d'anvers roosters (which look alike except for clean legs) are the ones that can be aggressive from what I have read. I hope this guy finds a home. I have mine in with a large mixed flock of large fowl with 4 large roosters. He holds his own, but knows when to lie low. His favorite duty is hanging in the coop protecting the girls in the nest boxes laying eggs.
I have two DAnver cockerel that are very sweet. Aggressiveness is determined by breed, quality, and the individual. For example, Hatchery quality Rhode islands are the most commonly known aggressive piece of crap birds. Even the hens. But I have 4 breeder aquality with excellent dispositions.
I'm wondering if this is our little man. We hatched a group of 6. We had to move from Paradise, Pa and gave the roosters to our Amish landlord.

If it is, he was hand reared. Sweet as anything, took care of his girls. We still have 2 of the girls, gifted the others but could only keep hens where we are. He is purebred. Eggs were shipped from a breeder on here from Florida.

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