bedding for brooder


Feb 12, 2015
is it better to use the larger pine wood chips or will the pine bedding for small animals be ok? or is there a better type bedding to use?
thanks for the info I will give it a try and see how it works. just did not want to use something that would not be good for the little guys :)
is it better to use the larger pine wood chips or will the pine bedding for small animals be ok? or is there a better type bedding to use?
I have used the larger pine shavings and had no issues with it not absorbing. I have found that large pine shavings are also easier to clean as well. I guess it just depends on what works best for you, and I don't think you could go wrong with either!
I bought the smaller ones because it said 'less dust' on the package.

Man, if this is LESS dust I'm sure glad I didn't get the others, LOL

you'll be fine with either.
I use larger pine shavings and a lot of sweet pdz. They are crazy little dust factories! They like to dig to the bottom and take dust baths in the sweet pdz.
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They should adjust to it. Mine hate anything new. I used shavings in their brooders when they were little. I just switched over to the flakes in the coop. I think they will produce less dust. My chickens would not go in the coop with the new shavings until I bribed them with treats, so just be patient.

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