Bedding in my coop

yes, it's used all over the world (assuming you mean the sand?) in the coop and in the run.

there are several threads about it... sorry I can't remember one specifically.

I use pine shavings and I sprinkle FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth (DE) on the shavings. Also my roosts in my coop are over wire which allows the poop through and I sprinkle the DE over the poop too. If your roosts are over flooring put some pine shavings under the roosts. Pine shavings are on the floor in the rest of my coop. Monthly I add some shavings until I have approx 4/6in, and weekly I add more DE. Once in awhile I throw some scratch on the shavings and let the chickens mix it up. They do a very good job. I have no problems with flies, stink and such. My pine shavings stay nice and dry easy to clean.
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what is that?

yes they are. i might try that idea or the sand.

I throw some scratch on the shavings and let the chickens mix it up.

what's scratch?

sorry about all of the questions... I'm pretty clueless...


the spike on the end of them could pierce the chickens foot and then the foot would get bacteria in it which would not be good
Pine needles are a big no no. They can eat the needles and get them stuck in their crops or lodged in their throats. Pine needles cause deaths in a lot of waterfowl too because they don't break down very well and some can emit toxins from the sap they produce.
Pine shavings with the DE mixed in it will stay nice and dry and easy to clean out. I only do the big clean once a year. The coop doesn't stink and no flies. DE works as an absorbant. Once in awhile I put some scratch in and the chickens scratch around and keep it mixed up.

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