Been a long time away - years but I am back


13 Years
Jun 21, 2009
Jacksonville. FL
About to be an empty nester as my baby girl is leaving us to attend Sewanee in Tennessee...And my son is off living his life in California.

My husband and I are looking at each other like - Uhm Hi - I sort of remember you. I know you never stop being parents but my kids are grown and I do believe in trusting we raised them well and they are well equipped to handle life. It's not easy. They call and ask for advice from time to time but more so they know the right answer and we are confirming it for them. Which makes me feel really good.

Lost my chickens to a fox - who has moved on and away after all these years.

My pet chicken had a Brinsea so I ordered one and some eggs to come later. I thought I would try hatching some eggs.

My daughter laughed and asked if they are all roosters will we eat them - So long as I don't name them I can eat them - just not good laying hens with names. I am prepared to eat roosters not crow already worked out a deal with my neighbor to process them. He used to take my extra roosters gladly and eat them. He will help me process them if I give him some for his family - I think that's a deal.

I ordered some Bluebar Cuckoo eggs and some Bielefelders. My son went to Germany in 2011-2012 for School and lived in Versmold which is a tiny town next to the Town of Bielefeld. So I thought I would try those - the Bielfelds are auto sexing meaning the roosters have a white dot on their heads at hatching. I am hoping the Bluebar Cuckoos do too - Creamlegbars are also autosexing and are really cute - sort of small but I had them before and they were beautiful.

Let's see:
Other than that I write novels and am currently coordinating the National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award Contest.
Hi and welcome back to BYC :frow

Good luck with your eggs, hope you have a great hatch :fl
My nest is still full but only with one and he is 14. I have noticed of late though he is out and about more doing his own thing which is good for him but sad for me as I feel he does not need as much. If I'm like this now what am I going to be like when he actually flies the nest! Time will tell I guess.

Wishing you the very best of luck for the future and enjoy being back on BYC :frow

Hey @write2caroline ! Thats is awesome you got back into our forum I am excited for you to start posting again! I hope you and your new flock do great in their new surroundings! I am so happy you joined our roost at BYC! I would like to welcome you with open arms! Yes this site is very helpful for all chicken related things! For your raising baby chicks needs follow this link for that forum that has a bunch of threads and it is always available for you to make new ones. I hope you enjoy BYC and make sure to post pictures of your flock and give us updates on how you are doing here I hope you and your new chicks do great and enjoy the Summer!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. My deceased friend Ellen Recknor used to write "bodice rippers," under several different pen names., Anne Archer, Phoebe St.James, etc. etc. I think the only one to carry her real name was "Me, and the Boys."
Welcome to Backyard chickens. My deceased friend Ellen Recknor used to write "bodice rippers," under several different pen names., Anne Archer, Phoebe St.James, etc. etc. I think the only one to carry her real name was "Me, and the Boys."
Those are fun - I belong to Romance Writers of America and in my local chapter we have a quite a few that write those. I write Young Adult and New Adult so my characters swoon over the littlest thing. My Heros are awkward boys more likely to open mouth insert foot but in the Romance genre there is always an HEA - Happily ever After or HFN Happily for now.

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