Bees Hanging Out in my Chicken's Feed? Help Please.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Rio Rico, Arizona
For the past few days I've noticed a few bees hanging out -in- my chicken's feed/feed spilled on the ground. I ignored it, but now there's a lot, around 30 or so. How can I make them go away? Should I move their coop/run? It's portable, so that's not a problem; I just don't want to move it since I love where it's at. Thanks in advance.
It is nothing to worry about. Especially at this time of year bees work some unusual sources of protein thinking its pollen. There is really no flower pollen now and the bees sense that Spring is coming. This makes them as busy as a bee trying to gather a protein source for the new bee brood. With real pollen in short supply any powered material with protein content like cow feed, corn meal etc. etc. are pressed into service. When your feeding just look in your feed bucket before sticking you mitts in it.
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Thank you! I ended up filling a seperate bowl with their feed and placed it a few feet away, now the bees are hanging out there.

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