Bees in the feed?!

Honey would only make matters worse and attract bees. Store bought honey can have many diseases like American Foul Brood and could kill the colony. When foragers find a food source its hard to condition them to another location until natural pollen starts.
Thanks….the chickens are continuing to eat, and the bees move out of their way. This feed (Kalmbach 20% crumbles) has almost no powder! I’ll just let it bee….🐝
It is that time of year again. Bees are out foraging for any sources of protein so they can start raising their Spring babies. And if there is nothing else to find, the crumbs in the chicken feeder become the only choice.
I have bees. Would there be anything to gain by saving the fine powder that falls to the bottom of my chickens' feed bowls, and putting it out near the hive, once I see a few bees flying around?
Thanks….the chickens are continuing to eat, and the bees move out of their way. This feed (Kalmbach 20% crumbles) has almost no powder! I’ll just let it bee….🐝
If hundreds of bees show up making your chickens shy you may have to feed them furthest from the coop door inside the coop. They are far less likely to go into the coop to get at the feed. After a week or two they should stop showing up.
If hundreds of bees show up making your chickens shy you may have to feed them furthest from the coop door inside the coop. They are far less likely to go into the coop to get at the feed. After a week or two they should stop showing up.
When I went to close the chickens in last night, and removed the feeders, I saw the feeder in the bantam’s run had a couple dozen dead and dying bees in it. The main flock’s bowls did not. I am guessing the feisty little banties killed the bees. I’ll watch more closely today. IMG_6785.jpeg
THANK YOU!!! Well my only concern is will they sting the chickens or keep them from eating, but I did see a couple of the chickens eating, seemingly unbothered. Is there anything I can put out for the bees that they would prefer? I assume if it’s protein they are after, then honey won’t suffice?
We have bee too right now. My chickens will not eat with dozens of bees buzzing in and around their feeders. Twice a day I will go out and put water in their feed. They love the wet mash and gobble it up quickly. All that is left are crumbs and then the bees come back and get their fill too. :)
We have bee too right now. My chickens will not eat with dozens of bees buzzing in and around their feeders. Twice a day I will go out and put water in their feed. They love the wet mash and gobble it up quickly. All that is left are crumbs and then the bees come back and get their fill too. :)
It worked! This morning, instead of dozens of bees, there had been HUNDREDS. I tried wetting the feed, and within 15 minutes, the bees were all gone! I have provided them a little bucket with old feed outside the run.
I have bees. Would there be anything to gain by saving the fine powder that falls to the bottom of my chickens' feed bowls, and putting it out near the hive, once I see a few bees flying around?
I wouldn't put it near the hive. Bees don't like to feed close to their hives as it may attract predators. Just put it at an elevated height, out of the rain, and they will find it if they are interested.
THANK YOU!!! Well my only concern is will they sting the chickens or keep them from eating, but I did see a couple of the chickens eating, seemingly unbothered. Is there anything I can put out for the bees that they would prefer? I assume if it’s protein they are after, then honey won’t suffice?
Ok, here's my chance to harumph like the old man I am. Often my bees are bouncing off me when I'm 30 ft away from the hives. Yet I will drive home, and see 20 cows laying down and chewing their cud all under the shade of the same tree as a couple of my mean hives. I tell my bees that they discriminate against me, and the bees tell me that it's ok for them to hate me but get along with the cows. (yes, beekeepers often talk to their bees, which is even worse than people talking to their chickens, because bees are deaf!)

So... many animals live side-by-side with the bees without issue. I don't understand how sometimes, but that does not make it any less true. I have countless times seen bees and chickens, side by side, with no issues. And here's the hard part. As a beekeeper, everything is MY fault. I can't blame other people, the weather, the bees, or even the cows. It's all my fault. Having said that, the only issues I've seen with critters getting along with bees are when I (the beekeeper) mess things up.

(PS: sorry about so many replies on the same thread, but I wanted to reply to each response individually and personally)

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