Beet pulp


10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
Virginia is for Chick Lovers!
I know this is wonderful for horses, but does anyone feed it to the chickens? The pellets need to be soaked for horses, but the shredded is ok to give dry. We use it to put condition or weight on the elderly horses here. All our horses LOVE it!

Also, anyone know if rabbits can have some?
I make "soup" out of it in the winter for our horses and chickens
I don't know if it's good for chickens or not, but it's a nice warm meal on a cold day!

I don't know about rabbits, but I'm fairly sure it's high in fiber so it should be okay.
Beet pulp is used mainly for more fiber in a Horses diet to bring a horses digestive system back to normal after colic are illness, pig's would be fine. I fail to see the usefullness in poultry maybe someone could shed some more light on this one.

I have 24 hens, 4 breeds. At a week or so, I started giving them garden waste along with their grower crumble. One of the things I gave them was beet stalks and leaves cut up real small. They loved everything I brought them, inclluding the beet sprouts/leaves. Other things were radish stalks/leaves, lettuce scraps, tomatoes that may have had spots, that I cut out. Also they got cucumber scraps, melon scraps, cantaloupe scraps and cabbage. They love it all. Apple peelings, carrot peelings, sweet potato peelings, bell pepper scraps and especially the seeds of the pepper plant. I used to whistle when I brought food. Now I can whistle when I approach the pen area and they stampede to the gate from wherever they are in the 2,000 sq ft pen.

They look at 14 weeks like they are big enough to begin laying any day, but I have no idea when they will start.
Beets specifically for livestock feed, used to be commonly grown by farmers. I find that beets that are split are especially appreciated by my hens if they are nuked in a plastic bag just for a minute.

Beet pulp, as best I understand it, is mostly fiber and a byproduct of processing. Chickens do not benefit much from fiber.


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