Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

I have 9 ameraucana eggs in the incubator. Just candled for the first time. Day 5. it's hard to see! Only 2 of the 9 have veining. and I can't see the air sac at all...
I have 9 ameraucana eggs in the incubator. Just candled for the first time. Day 5. it's hard to see! Only 2 of the 9 have veining. and I can't see the air sac at all...

i had to turn mine on their side and candle from teh fat end barely saw the air sac wasn't easy
I bought a few fertile eggs locally and put them under a broody hen. (We can't have roosters in our city.) She is very dedicated. We marked the fertile eggs so we could bring in the others that are contributed to her clutch every day. One fertile egg was brought in and refrigerated overnight by mistake. Early morning I ran it back out and stuck it under her. I figure it'll be a miracle if it hatches, but next week will tell. I have only purchased day old chicks before, so this is new. I wanted her to socialize them. Any advice?
That's it! I'm going to candle again tonight. They only have a week to go, so there should be something more to see by now.
Well today is my hatch day and nothing yet. I am expecting at least %50 casualties. Temp swings, Post Office scramble, Humidity levels. Two eggs went bad already and I took the stinkers out. I would like to get at least one chick. Just one chick and I'll be happy.
Me too! I was wondering if you ever got back inside!
I did, my BF's meeting ended so I was back in by 4:30.

I had one more hatch in the night, but half a shell ended up cupping my Dominique egg and I think smothered it. It had pipped yesterday at 9, so I decided to help it along this morning. Figured no other pips or zips yet, so why not try. Completely formed, dry membrane, no blood. Quite sad. It may have quit before I went to bed - all the other pips I woke up to yesterday had hatched by 10 last night. I wanted to give this one the full 24 hrs before intervention. It also had one if the oddest air cells. I still have 8 adorable chicks and 4 eggs to go.

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