Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

8 days til lock down! I will candle tonight and see if there are any that are for sure bd get them out and then get ready for lock down next week. I am so excited!
I hear you...three days for me. Seems like the days flew by. I can hardly wait for the pips to start!!!!
I think rotten egg is one of the worst smells out there!
Dead fish is worse. When I was in college (eons ago) they were running an inventory of the chemicals for the science classes. Someone fumbled and dropped the bottle of the chemical (about 4 oz.) and broke it. They had to evacuate the building. All 4 stories. They broke it in the basement but it permeated the building. It was 6 weeks and a professional cleaning crew before we could get back in and it still stank. We kept our jackets on and left the windows open. We even had a squirrel get in the classroom because of the open window and had to catch it in the trashcan.
Dead fish is worse. When I was in college (eons ago) they were running an inventory of the chemicals for the science classes. Someone fumbled and dropped the bottle of the chemical (about 4 oz.) and broke it. They had to evacuate the building. All 4 stories. They broke it in the basement but it permeated the building. It was 6 weeks and a professional cleaning crew before we could get back in and it still stank. We kept our jackets on and left the windows open. We even had a squirrel get in the classroom because of the open window and had to catch it in the trashcan.
That is definitely worse than rotten egg!
Dead fish is worse. When I was in college (eons ago) they were running an inventory of the chemicals for the science classes. Someone fumbled and dropped the bottle of the chemical (about 4 oz.) and broke it. They had to evacuate the building. All 4 stories. They broke it in the basement but it permeated the building. It was 6 weeks and a professional cleaning crew before we could get back in and it still stank. We kept our jackets on and left the windows open. We even had a squirrel get in the classroom because of the open window and had to catch it in the trashcan.

Yep, you win. I will hopefully never smell anything like that.
I culled 5 eggs today, left one that i wasn't 100% sure on. I am sad on one it was an early quitter you can see the baby chick that stopped bakin.

infertile egg?

the rest i either saw veins and movement or veins and not sure. ther eis one that i am kinda positive that it's a goner but not 100% so i left it. it didn't stink or wasn't weeping
After accidently killing an egg that had a live 10 day old chick fetus, I have stopped candling!!!
A couple of eggs were rocking this morning, so I'm hoping I get at least a few to hatch!
Should be this Friday or Saturday, getting excited!!!
After having that rotten egg I went ahead and candled the rest of my shipped eggs. Started with 18, 1 rotten, there was only one that I don't think will do anything and I marked it and put it back in for a few more days. It was really neat to see them moving around inside the shell. My daughters and a friend all helped me with the candling and they were all impressed! It's always good when I can show them something new even though we live in a rural community and they have all seen this before.

How do you decide to take out an egg. I don't want to be wrong and take one out too early. I am not worried about having room in the incubator so it doesn't bother me to leave them in their as long as they are not rotten.

What do you guys use for candling? I got a candler with my incubator but the light doesn't seem very bright and it is very yellow. I have a bunch of green eggs in my incubator from my Americana hens and I can't see much in them with what I am using now.
What do you guys use for candling? I got a candler with my incubator but the light doesn't seem very bright and it is very yellow. I have a bunch of green eggs in my incubator from my Americana hens and I can't see much in them with what I am using now.

I use a cheap little LED flashlight. I think I bought a 2-pack in the checkout line at one of the home improvement stores for $5. Bright, white light, but one was staying on ever so slightly when off and when I opened I got battery juice all over my hands. Not fun. But good candler.

I'm guessing this is what my chick that actually hatched was the product of. I opened up the rest of the eggs and most were fully formed but dead. :(

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