Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

May I join? Anyone going to try it again?

Just joined last wk. Just got chickens 2 mos ago; also bought incubator and first hatch was 14 out of 21. Our second hatch is due to start Sunday and we got a used incubator and some eggs and just set those today. Hoping to improve our hatch rate this time!! It was nerve wracking the first time trying to decide whether or not to take a chick out; whether or not one needed help; wondering when they would start; how many; when to stop.... Very exciting!! LOL and addicting!!

12 Americana Eggs; 10 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Blue Orpingtons and 11 eggs our 8 yo was generously given - mix of bantys and we don't knows --- due to start hatching Sunday. Haven't candled. We have a bar shaped light and all the feed stores are out of candlers or don't keep them. Think I will order one next week since they are less than $10 and this is something my 8 yo and hubby (and me!) want to keep doing!


almost 300 chicks; RIR, BR, BO, BC Marans, Red Comets, Blue Red Laced Wynadotts, 14 we don't knows (but love), and 2 pr. blue splash sport bantys - as of last night also 4 baby peafowls!
May I join? Anyone going to try it again?

Just joined last wk. Just got chickens 2 mos ago; also bought incubator and first hatch was 14 out of 21. Our second hatch is due to start Sunday and we got a used incubator and some eggs and just set those today. Hoping to improve our hatch rate this time!! It was nerve wracking the first time trying to decide whether or not to take a chick out; whether or not one needed help; wondering when they would start; how many; when to stop.... Very exciting!! LOL and addicting!!

12 Americana Eggs; 10 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Blue Orpingtons and 11 eggs our 8 yo was generously given - mix of bantys and we don't knows --- due to start hatching Sunday. Haven't candled. We have a bar shaped light and all the feed stores are out of candlers or don't keep them. Think I will order one next week since they are less than $10 and this is something my 8 yo and hubby (and me!) want to keep doing!


almost 300 chicks; RIR, BR, BO, BC Marans, Red Comets, Blue Red Laced Wynadotts, 14 we don't knows (but love), and 2 pr. blue splash sport bantys - as of last night also 4 baby peafowls!

holy cow almost 300? you can use a bright led flashlight target had some in their dollar section not too long ago. I willt ry again but not right now. i want to incubate just to incubate lol but i have to stop my husband might shoot me.
LOL! Maybe your husband will catch the addiction from you soon! We have almost 300 chickens because I'm going to raise them and sell them. (If we can get a hen house built in time (money and time shorter than my to do list and wish list LOL I'm going to keep some for eggs this fall)

My husband (54 yo) and I (51) had our own business for many yrs (feed, seed, produce, plants, etc) in our small town. We knew our friends (customers) and they knew us! Then, due to a sudden medical condition (long story short - husband had unknown genetic heart defect (5 yrs ago had open heart surgery) and then as a result of bacterial pneumonia last yr - he had to have a pacemaker and defibrillator implanted in Feb. so the drs will not allow him to unload the 50 and 100 lb feed bags or a truckload of produce and I can't - so we had to walk away from our business this year..... Income different now..... bills the same and 8 yo still to raise - 20 yo triplets live nearby; two are married). We needed to find a way for me to be able to make ends meet. Dh grew up on a family farm (I was a big city girl); we live on family land; his grandfather and father both raised and sold chickens here- and so he is teaching me (and our 8 yo). He is the brains and I am the brawn! LOL

Although this(having to walk away from our business) was a surprise to us, I am sure it was not a surprise to God! He has been so good to us! Didn't think we could have children - after 12 yrs of marriage we had triplets - our multiple miracles many times over!, then 12 yrs later were blessed with our joyful miracle surprise princess and Ronnie is still here and doing really well! I'm sure God has it figured out as to how we are going to make ends meet while the chickens grow - but He is not sharing as much as we would like - so we are stretching our faith yet again and watching how God is taking care of us in this and has even provided me with my own business and one that we can all have fun with! God's surprises are always better than all our plans!!
(After having done all (you can)....STAND (and let God be God). That is SO hard to do!!

I will feel better a year from now when I am more confident at hatching and am a profitable, veteran chicken farmer! Newbieness can be nerve wracking! LOL - One hatch behind me; second one due to begin hatching Sun. and set ano. bunch today. :Learning to raise chickens is very stress relieving (bad kind) and stress inducing (fun kind - how many will hatch? will they hatch at all?.....) at the same time!! Not to mention addicting!!

i am surprised my husband is dealing with the 25 i asked for and built me a coop!

I hope your new venture returns profitable for you. Thanks for your story.

I got into chickens after my mom started talking to my kids about chickens, we were gong to wait til we moved but our move got put off for at least a year. So we went all in. I used our incubation for a life science project and we have been subject to chicken math but I"m loving it =o)

I still want a silkie and a polish something. now to find them lol
LOL! Maybe your husband will catch the addiction from you soon! We have almost 300 chickens because I'm going to raise them and sell them. (If we can get a hen house built in time (money and time shorter than my to do list and wish list LOL I'm going to keep some for eggs this fall)

My husband (54 yo) and I (51) had our own business for many yrs (feed, seed, produce, plants, etc) in our small town. We knew our friends (customers) and they knew us! Then, due to a sudden medical condition (long story short - husband had unknown genetic heart defect (5 yrs ago had open heart surgery) and then as a result of bacterial pneumonia last yr - he had to have a pacemaker and defibrillator implanted in Feb. so the drs will not allow him to unload the 50 and 100 lb feed bags or a truckload of produce and I can't - so we had to walk away from our business this year..... Income different now..... bills the same and 8 yo still to raise - 20 yo triplets live nearby; two are married). We needed to find a way for me to be able to make ends meet. Dh grew up on a family farm (I was a big city girl); we live on family land; his grandfather and father both raised and sold chickens here- and so he is teaching me (and our 8 yo). He is the brains and I am the brawn! LOL

Although this(having to walk away from our business) was a surprise to us, I am sure it was not a surprise to God! He has been so good to us! Didn't think we could have children - after 12 yrs of marriage we had triplets - our multiple miracles many times over!, then 12 yrs later were blessed with our joyful miracle surprise princess and Ronnie is still here and doing really well! I'm sure God has it figured out as to how we are going to make ends meet while the chickens grow - but He is not sharing as much as we would like - so we are stretching our faith yet again and watching how God is taking care of us in this and has even provided me with my own business and one that we can all have fun with! God's surprises are always better than all our plans!!
(After having done all (you can)....STAND (and let God be God). That is SO hard to do!!

I will feel better a year from now when I am more confident at hatching and am a profitable, veteran chicken farmer! Newbieness can be nerve wracking! LOL - One hatch behind me; second one due to begin hatching Sun. and set ano. bunch today. :Learning to raise chickens is very stress relieving (bad kind) and stress inducing (fun kind - how many will hatch? will they hatch at all?.....) at the same time!! Not to mention addicting!!

You can do it! God is good! I'll be praying for you! God bless!
Thank you for your prayers!! Prayer is SO powerful!! We are thankful we live in a community that strongly believes in prayer. SO many people put the triplets (when they were born - 5 maj surgeries; COUNTLESS deathbed calls) on prayer lists and Ronnie both times he was hospitalized and not expected to make it - SO MANY PEOPLE prayed for us! Prayer transforms!! I greatly appreciate prayer!!!! Nothing else so powerful! ( One quick story from NICU - the staff in the NICU kept commenting that they could literally feel the weight of the prayers around one of the triplets who was ESPECIALLY critical at the time. I so appreciate prayers!!!!

Should have our first chickens ready to sell in Aug and hoping it will be enough to replace some of the income we no longer have. I know we are having FUN b/c of chickens! Now, if only God would detail for us how he is going to get us thru the next two months! Faith stretching is not fun!! ;)

Amanda if you haven't already thought of this check out some of your local gun stores if they will let you put an ad on their bulletin board. Many of those who are nervously stocking up on ammo could/should be interested in stocking up on chickens if they have not run any before. I was told it was bad but when at Walmart I saw for myself how bare the ammo and gun shelf was bare. You could very possible make quite a few sales to the same people. The Army/Navy Surplus stores would be another source for the same target market.
I am getting ready do fire up my incubator again, anybody with me for another round? My friend had a fox get some of her Silver Laced Wyandotts along with her rooster so I told her to hold back eggs from what was left for a few days and we could but them in the bator so Tuesday is start day for us. I am also putting in two dozen silkie eggs as well, all because I want a nice silkie rooster to breed sizzles.

I have done a couple things with my incubator since the last hatch. Pulled out the thermo/hygro and calibrated it for humidity, not as far off as I thought but about 8 percent low so that's good to know. Also added a hose through the wall on the bottom to add water to the wells without opening it, this way I know it is going where I want it to go.

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