Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

No problem. I think you just have to read what you can and go with your gut. I am learning a lot through all of this. I know it will be disappointing for the kids if they don't hatch but you will just have to do it again and make some changes.

My temps dropped really bad when I took mine out of the turner and locked down and then I was gone all day long and didn't see it till I got home that night and then I was frantic trying to get the temps stabilized before I went to bed.

I had a hen a couple of years ago that decided to set on some eggs in the dead of summer, 110 degree days, no humidity at all. I go in one day and hear chicks peeping but nothing hatched out. I waited a while and still nothing and finally I asked someone I know that hatches all the time what I should do. I was always told not to help them out cause they wouldn't live anyway, he told me basically to help them cause they were going to die if I didn't help them so what did we have to lose. We helped anything that had pipped and only lost one of them.

I really don't think they are as fragile as we think they are.
I agree. I'm not giving up on them, I'll go to day 25 before that. Tomorrow if they haven't pipped I will try candling and if that's inconclusive I'll try the float test, but only with no internal pip. Friday will have to be the end as I'll then be out for the weekend again.

So have you got to the hatch date for the one where your temps dropped when taking them out of the turner? That's exactly what happened to me, only from Friday at 3 until Monday at 7am :( It was at 92 when I came back in
I'm on day 19 right now, so excited!! I picked up some Buff Orpington chicks and I'm going to integrate my little ameraucana hatchlings in a couple days after they're born. I hope they all get along, these two days are going to seem like an eternity!
I agree. I'm not giving up on them, I'll go to day 25 before that. Tomorrow if they haven't pipped I will try candling and if that's inconclusive I'll try the float test, but only with no internal pip. Friday will have to be the end as I'll then be out for the weekend again.

So have you got to the hatch date for the one where your temps dropped when taking them out of the turner? That's exactly what happened to me, only from Friday at 3 until Monday at 7am :( It was at 92 when I came back in
Yep, I had banty shipped eggs in there that didn't hatch too well but the standard eggs that I got from my own birds I got 14 out of 20 so I didn't think that was too bad and they started hatching early so it is hard to tell. Your lower temps were for longer but you never know. I will be starting another batch this week and am trying to figure out how to keep those temps from dropping like that this time.
Yep, I had banty shipped eggs in there that didn't hatch too well but the standard eggs that I got from my own birds I got 14 out of 20 so I didn't think that was too bad and they started hatching early so it is hard to tell. Your lower temps were for longer but you never know. I will be starting another batch this week and am trying to figure out how to keep those temps from dropping like that this time.
"kill-worthy" longer or just bigger delay? Or no way of knowing?

Thanks, I'm going CRAZY
I am not expert so I don't know. I figured I had killed all of mine so I understand completely. Sounds like you need some distance from it or maybe a stiff drink to calm your nerves! I understand how sad it is but they are just chickens and there are more. I'm sure it's hard to disappoint the kids though.
I am not expert so I don't know. I figured I had killed all of mine so I understand completely. Sounds like you need some distance from it or maybe a stiff drink to calm your nerves! I understand how sad it is but they are just chickens and there are more. I'm sure it's hard to disappoint the kids though.
Well, I'll make sure to drink heavily tonight - but only because you said so HAHAHA
Another one just hatched! I got the kids out of bed and they got to watch the whole thing. This was another eBay egg, purebred d'uccle. Once it hatched the other chick was all over it. Pecking it, dragging it by the wing and pecking the stuff that is attached to it when it comes out. Is this normal? I was afraid it was going to hurt the poor thing. Today is day 20. I have one more egg that pipped and 5 more with nothing so far. How long can I keep the new chicks in there? I'm just afraid to open the lid and get them out if more might hatch on day 22 or 23.

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