Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

Today is supposed to be the 21st for my first attempt at incubating. I don't see any movement and I haven't been able to candle successfully (haven't tried since the "lockdown" began). It seems like you have done this quite a bit. Do yours always hold true to the 21 day mark?

I should add that a week ago we accidentally dropped an egg while trying to candle it. There was a black chick inside that was fairly well-formed. So, I know that I started out with at least that one fertile. These were eggs from my own chickens. I know I had too high of a humidity level..but I would still think I would see some movement sometime soon.
I know of people here on BYC that give an extra 5-6 days. I did it and one hatched late. I hope you have a good hatch!
Did you get to candle today? Any activity?
Hi, sorry for the delay!

Candled. No activity/movement, no internal pip. No chirping or tapping in response to my tapping. Air sacs had grown since Monday and the chicks too, but not totally full yet (up to air sac). Could see one was malpositioned (feet at air sac). 2 looked like goners.

Moved to float test. the two that looked like goners floated really high and bobbed when I put them in. The other 9 floated a little lower but not down under the water - their air sacs floated above the water line. I am not sure if that means their viable?

I added more water and put the red vent back in. I think that if I am at all lucky they are just very behind and may come still. I think the humidity has been low though and doubt it will work - I haven't seen any condensation on the window at all. Don't forget my temp drop over days 18-20 too, down to I think 92-94 I can't remember. Don't want to remember lol, I wrote everything else down but that. EEK!

So, not good news but maybe not bad news either? Would love some help interpreting the float test, I put a pic in a separate post in the incubating and hatching area. Thanks for asking!
Oh no, I'm sorry!! We have coyotes, raccoons, hawks, dogs and eagles to worry about here, in the middle of the city. My girls won't be able to come out of their run unless I'm out there with them. When I get some, of course. Sigh.
Hi everybody thought id join you. This is my second time hatching. I have 9 columbian plymouth rock eggs do the 22nd. In march i did my first hatch out of 20 eggs i got 8 to hatch. I kept a black and a splash plymouth rock a barred rock and a blue ee all pullets. Hoping for some more pullets from this batch.
Oh no, I'm sorry!! We have coyotes, raccoons, hawks, dogs and eagles to worry about here, in the middle of the city. My girls won't be able to come out of their run unless I'm out there with them. When I get some, of course. Sigh.

You need to get you a Shetland Sheepdog. I have a halfbred one (the other half is Black Lab). She is very good at keeping foxes and rabbits and squirrels possoms and raccoons out of my 5 acre property. For the hawks you might try netting the backyard so that they can't get to them. I bought a mobile playpen device for animals. you unzip the bottom off and they chickens can graze. The top is netted and their are stakes to keep the wind from flipping it. It even has a water bottle holder for the rabbit style drinkers. I got it off Ebay. I would post the pictures but I keep getting a notice that I don't have permissions to attach photos.
You need to get you a Shetland Sheepdog. I have a halfbred one (the other half is Black Lab). She is very good at keeping foxes and rabbits and squirrels possoms and raccoons out of my 5 acre property. For the hawks you might try netting the backyard so that they can't get to them. I bought a mobile playpen device for animals. you unzip the bottom off and they chickens can graze. The top is netted and their are stakes to keep the wind from flipping it. It even has a water bottle holder for the rabbit style drinkers. I got it off Ebay. I would post the pictures but I keep getting a notice that I don't have permissions to attach photos.
thanks! I made their run pretty huge so I think between that and the amount I spend in the garden we should get by.

I want to get a dog some day but I don't think I'm ready for the committment yet - I have a 4 and 6 year old and it's enough for me LOL
Hi everybody thought id join you. This is my second time hatching. I have 9 columbian plymouth rock eggs do the 22nd. In march i did my first hatch out of 20 eggs i got 8 to hatch. I kept a black and a splash plymouth rock a barred rock and a blue ee all pullets. Hoping for some more pullets from this batch.
Good luck!!!

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