Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

I have heard of people that hatch in the turner, they just shut it off and leave the eggs sitting upright. I guess you could try it and see what happens. Other than that, not sure what to tell you.
ivyrash sofar I have decided to leave the egg see what happens. it appears that it might have sealed where it was leaking as it is stuck & I see no further leak. Who knows if it's still viable or not. I have another two days before the first candling see how some of the others are doing. I have no water in the bator since day one & the humidity has been constant in the low to upper 30's. I did have water in it before setting the eggs but humidity was really high between 70's-80's.
Ok...Im Newbie Dumb...But No One Is Answering My Post "Out There" So I'll Try Here...

This is day two of my very first attempt at hatching. Yesterday and all day today, my thermostat has been keeping between 99 and 101. About 20 minutes ago (because I'm neurotic...see my post in the hatch along category) I check on the eggs again and my temp reads 98° I up the thermostat a smidge...literally the smallest movement that could invoke any change in the position of the dial. I walk away. I just checked the temp and it read 107°! Now I'm really freaking out! How can I help this thing maintain a regular temp range? I've closed the air vents are closed...I turned off the ceiling fan...I keep the door closed...I even took out the light bulb. The temp inside this room is pretty consistent. it just the heating element causing the high temp read? should my eggs still be ok?
Ok...Im Newbie Dumb...But No One Is Answering My Post "Out There" So I'll Try Here...

This is day two of my very first attempt at hatching. Yesterday and all day today, my thermostat has been keeping between 99 and 101. About 20 minutes ago (because I'm neurotic...see my post in the hatch along category) I check on the eggs again and my temp reads 98° I up the thermostat a smidge...literally the smallest movement that could invoke any change in the position of the dial. I walk away. I just checked the temp and it read 107°! Now I'm really freaking out! How can I help this thing maintain a regular temp range? I've closed the air vents are closed...I turned off the ceiling fan...I keep the door closed...I even took out the light bulb. The temp inside this room is pretty consistent. it just the heating element causing the high temp read? should my eggs still be ok?
Did you calibrate the thermometer? Are you sure that is correct to start with? What about the battery, could it need replaced? I have a thermometer that when the battery is getting weak it starts throwing up crazy high temps out of the blue, 99.5 one minute, 107 the next, scared me to death the first time it happened. I am no expert but I think they can handle some temp swings as long as they don't stay that way for long.

What kind of incubator do you have?
How Do I Calibrate The Thermometer?

Is the thermometer attached? Is it a digital thermometer? If you have not read this article it has a ton of great info including how to calibrate.

Freezing point method:
Fill a glass with crushed ice. Add a LITTLE clean water until the glass is full and stir. Wait 3 minutes then insert the thermometer tip into the ice-filled glass so it’s in the water ice mixture. Wait a minute and if the thermometer reads 32 F then it’s accurate, and if it does not, it requires calibration.
Tabatha I have the same incubator. To calibrate it I ran it empty for a full day. I have found that the adjustment is really super sensitive. When calibrating it, if the temp was too high & the light was still on I simply turned it counterclockwise a bit & checked back on the temp after about 10-15 minutes. I kept doing this till the temp stayed steady at 99.5. Of course if there are eggs in it you may want to let it stabilize for a while after only making very minimal adjustment to get the temp to 99.5. Others here may have a better suggestion. My digital thermometer reads 100 in comparison to the one that came with the incubator so I think it's fine. I still constantly check it throughout the day when I'm home. Hope that helps.

Thank You. I Will. Btw...It's Digital. It Isn't Attached, But In A Hole Not Too Close To The Heating Element. Digital Read Out Is On Top Of The box.
I Think Im Going To Get A Thermometer Like That. This One Isn't Quite That Detailed. It Is A Borrowed Incubator...I Don't Know What To Look For When Buying One, So I Figured I'd Just See If It Is Worth The Investment. However, Im Quickly Beginning To Think This May Not Be The Best Batch To Base My Opinion

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