Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

After seeing an ad on Craigslist for a free broken wine cooler I reallly wanted to pick it up and make an incubator out of it - but I already have one!
You must have talents I don't! I would never ever know how to make anything into a incubator!
My first hatch is due on the 15th too! a week after I placed my eggs in the bator 2 of my hens decided it was time to go broody, so my 2nd hatch will be the week after! 10 eggs in the bator & 13 eggs under 2 silkies
My first hatch is due on the 15th too! a week after I placed my eggs in the bator 2 of my hens decided it was time to go broody, so my 2nd hatch will be the week after! 10 eggs in the bator & 13 eggs under 2 silkies
I have 10 that I am hoping will make it but one looks was odd shaped and it looked like 2 eye were floating around on Monday. Good luck! I am on the August hatch along thread.
I never saw "eyes or an eye" or maybe idk what it looks like. I candled last night and all have active movement. the night before I had to dispose of a quitter- blood ring. So we'll see next week as to what hatches. Good luck to you!
5th try at incubating...only had 2 geese hatch in 4 attempts....sniff,sniff,this try teying our chick eggs n 5 muscovy duck eggs we got today...hoping sucess this time...all due end od aug n 2nd week sept.
chicks take 21 days and muskovy ducks take 35, and I think with different temps and moisture, hatching them together isnt really a good idea.
frizzll farm,so what temp/humidity for muscovy ducks for incubation,ill just mive the ducks eggd into another incubator,i assumed temp/humidity would be about same since I tried muscovy eggs (shipped)on 99.5/56-62%n had no sucess

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