Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

Mixed feelings today...

I have a broody hen (Americana) so bad that I broke down and got her 8 fertilized eggs - everyone says expect 50% of them to hatch. 7 hatched on Labor day! 1 died (or was killed by the hen for some reason - sickness?). 6 were left.

This morning we found a dead chick under the hen. Can't tell the reason. Stepped on or something else - but it doesn't look like it was purposeful from the hen. 5 left. Kids are very sad. Still 5 out of 8.

Here's hoping the rest are okay. I still have them with the hen. Should I take them to a brooder? Thoughts anyone?

had the same thing happen, Two weeks after 5/5 eggs hatched from my broody I found a dead chick under her, no signs of sickness before and no signs she hurt it, best we could figure was that it got wedged between her and the wall and when she sat on it she smothered it or its neck broke.. Sad day indeed but I have come to realize it happens, Last week our two Grandsons came to spend the day with us and wanted to see the chicks , when we went out our oldest grandson (4 years) noticed there was only three chicks, our 3 year old grandson saw the fourth chick dead just over the fence in the neighbors yard. It had gotten through the fence and a dog used it for a chew toy ...
had the same thing happen, Two weeks after 5/5 eggs hatched from my broody I found a dead chick under her, no signs of sickness before and no signs she hurt it, best we could figure was that it got wedged between her and the wall and when she sat on it she smothered it or its neck broke.. Sad day indeed but I have come to realize it happens, Last week our two Grandsons came to spend the day with us and wanted to see the chicks , when we went out our oldest grandson (4 years) noticed there was only three chicks, our 3 year old grandson saw the fourth chick dead just over the fence in the neighbors yard. It had gotten through the fence and a dog used it for a chew toy ...

Very sad. I guess this is nature.
Hi, just joining you! I have a measly 2 bronze breasted turkey eggs remaining out of an original 12 (shipped, most scrambled upon arrival). Lockdown starts tomorrow. One of the two has a very small air sac, so I am not too hopeful about that one. Using a Brinsea Mini Advance. I was going to let my broody hen hatch these eggs, but she abandoned the next with only 5 days to go. We have 3 adult BBs now and are hoping to add to the flock.
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shake shake shake sanora .........shake rattle and roll...
pick your boogie song cause these eggs are rockin lol
its driving me nutz thou watching them wiggle and jiggle but no bodys piping yet!!! only on day 19 thou so i guess i wait
it is cool to watch the eggs move of their own accord!!
but i think i lost about half the batch..... when i candled before lockdown about 12 of them were still looking day 14ish but i saw movement...... so i gave them an extra day in the bator before lock down and added them in with the ones that were on day 18 today. maybe someone will surprize me but i dont think so.... about 14 are dancing thou. hope someone hatches soon. after reading on here for awhile, researching all I could possibly fit into my brain , seriously, I think my heads could explode, I set 33 eggs day before yesterday from my flock and 7 shipped eggs today. .. I have a mix of barnyard mutts and then ordered a couple EE's and White leghorns. Was hoping for Buffs but didnt get those this time around.. I set so many because I dont expect to get a great hatch being my first time. Its went pretty smooth, had a minor temp hike today but caught that pretty quick, will know in several days if it harmed the eggs. I understand tho how hard it is not to want to candle everyday, when placing the shipped eggs in I couldnt help candling one that had been in almost 2 full days and could see what looks to be starting of the veining... but being a newbie at this wasnt 100% sure
Hubby asked today what i would do if they all hatched...I told him that wouldnt happen, real questionable about the shipped ones, let them sit for 24 hours a couple still had a detached air cell but not allowing those to turn for a few days in the bator, but just in case it did to put the walls on the 6 foot trailer cause thats going to be the brooder lol... I love this site, so many cool ideas and so much wisdom from so many folks.
shake shake shake sanora .........shake rattle and roll...
pick your boogie song cause these eggs are rockin lol
its driving me nutz thou watching them wiggle and jiggle but no bodys piping yet!!! only on day 19 thou so i guess i wait
it is cool to watch the eggs move of their own accord!!
but i think i lost about half the batch..... when i candled before lockdown about 12 of them were still looking day 14ish but i saw movement...... so i gave them an extra day in the bator before lock down and added them in with the ones that were on day 18 today. maybe someone will surprize me but i dont think so.... about 14 are dancing thou. hope someone hatches soon.

How exiting...Ive still got alot of time to wait!!
I not hatching any now, but I bought a book on Amazon to help me brood my chicks. It is a very good book and thoroughly covers both brooding and hatching. I highly recommend it. The author is a "professional" hatching hobbiest and very knowledgeable. The book is easy to read and understand and covers 90% of the questions I have seen on this forum (I've only made it to page 26 so far). The title and author are listed below.

Hatching and Brooding your own chicks
by Gail Damero after reading on here for awhile, researching all I could possibly fit into my brain , seriously, I think my heads could explode, I set 33 eggs day before yesterday from my flock and 7 shipped eggs today. .. I have a mix of barnyard mutts and then ordered a couple EE's and White leghorns. Was hoping for Buffs but didnt get those this time around..   I set so many because I dont expect to get a great hatch being my first time. Its went pretty smooth, had a minor temp hike today but caught that pretty quick, will know in several days if it harmed the eggs. I understand tho how hard it is not to want to candle everyday, when placing the shipped eggs in I couldnt help candling one that had been in almost 2 full days and could see what looks to be starting of the veining... but being a newbie at this wasnt 100% sure
 Hubby asked today what i would do if they all hatched...I told him that wouldnt happen, real questionable about the shipped ones, let them sit for 24 hours a couple still had a detached air cell but not allowing those to turn for a few days in the bator, but just in case it did to put the walls on the 6 foot trailer cause thats going to be the brooder lol... I love this site, so many cool ideas and so much wisdom from so many folks.

I know! There's so much to think about!

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