Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

hubby just informed me there are 86 eggs.... but yeah still alot of chicks...
and this is only my second month hatching (first month (sept) ive got 33 chicks) so i dont know anything about selling them lol...
Well you have the perfect setup if you want a lot of chickens! I hope your hatches go good!
Is anybody planning on doing winter incubation? I've thought about it, but it seems too difficult!
I'm a newbie here. Hatching my first eggs. I keep having my incubator fluctuate down to 95 degress ( I am on day 3) does this make a huge difference with success rate? I correct it as much as I can but sometimes I just gotta sleep a little.
Can I join the party? I am the proud mama of Bowie, the current Chicken of the Week, and I just put 16 eggs (of which he is the baby daddy) in my new incubator. I was given a 'bator last week and just couldn't resist! I calibrated it for 3 days and got the temp holding steady between 99 and 100, and the humidity around 30, so I felt safe enough to put the eggs in on Sunday. I plan on leaving them alone and not candle them until this Sunday...boy, is it going to be a long week! ;) Hopefully I'll get at least a few little cuties out of this trial run! The mamas are BA's and Red Stars.
Can I join the party? I am the proud mama of Bowie, the current Chicken of the Week, and I just put 16 eggs (of which he is the baby daddy) in my new incubator. I was given a 'bator last week and just couldn't resist! I calibrated it for 3 days and got the temp holding steady between 99 and 100, and the humidity around 30, so I felt safe enough to put the eggs in on Sunday. I plan on leaving them alone and not candle them until this Sunday...boy, is it going to be a long week!
Hopefully I'll get at least a few little cuties out of this trial run! The mamas are BA's and Red Stars.
You surely can! All are welcome! Congrats on the Chicken of the Week! Your incubator climate sounds great (coming from an amateur)! I hope you have a great hatch!
Thanks! It is KILLING me not to candle them yet (we're at 4 1/2 days) just to see if there's anything at all to see yet, but being as this is an LG incubator and thus notoriously finicky about temp regulation, I don't want to disrupt things! I'm being a good girl and waiting until Sunday!

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