Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

I set 17 Silver Grey Dorking eggs and 8 Isbar eggs this last Saturday and I'm all nerves waiting until Saturday to candle them. This is my second time trying to incubate. The first time they started to hatch on a Tuesday when I had to work. I left for work and everything was great, and when I came home the humidity had somehow dropped to 17% and I had lost all but one of them... the one that hatched only made it a couple of days. It was so horrible and sad. I first thought I couldn't do this again, but I learned so much that I feel very positive about this attempt.

Think happy thoughts for me and my chicken seeds!
I start my second hatch tomorrow. My first one was entirely unsuccessful, which the class took really well. Now I'm doing it with my daughter's preschool. Wish me luck!
IMO, based on research, not personal experience, I would wait until your girls are laying "normal" shaped eggs of average size for your breed. According to what I have read your hatchability increases when eggs have good shape and average size, overly large, small, and misshapen eggs have a lower hatch rate. Also, I would wait until closer to spring because the shells are thicker providing the chicks with the calcium they need to develop good strong bones. Of course, this is just my opinion, and I have yet to test the "hatching waters", my information is based on books.

This is an update. Of the 9 eggs I gave a friend to hatch, 3 turned out to be infertile, one began but failed a few days later it seems a big EE and another failed to successfully get out of their shells and the three small pullet black Maran eggs all hatched tiny but very healthy chicks who are doing well. I got 3 more 2 day olds at the feed store yesterday to keep them company and the little buggers went after the eyes of the new ones, because it was black eyes against yellow feathers. I had to guard them until they accepted them. While they were incubating I collected another 30 eggs and now I am incubating them. I can't wait to candle them! I know I'm crazy to be making babies in the winter! : )
Good luck!! My fingers are crossed for you!

Do you know what went wrong? I got only half of my last attempt so am learning as well. I didn't hatch my last a friend did and I think she didn't have proper humidity in the incubator for "lock down" and a big EE stuck in it's shell.
I think the temp was too low because I used the thermometer that came with the incubator. Also I have no idea if the humidity was good enough because I just went with the troughs and didn't use a hygrometer. Finally, the temp surged unexpectedly over a weekend when I couldn't get in the classroom to check on them.

This time I'm using three thermometers and a hygrometer and I'm doing it in a classroom I can get into over the weekend. Oh and last time there was a heat wave the day the eggs were collected. Over half the eggs weren't even fertile. Another 40% didn't make it to week three and the last ten percent died that last weekend with the temp issue , lockdown.
I think the temp was too low because I used the thermometer that came with the incubator. Also I have no idea if the humidity was good enough because I just went with the troughs and didn't use a hygrometer. Finally, the temp surged unexpectedly over a weekend when I couldn't get in the classroom to check on them.

This time I'm using three thermometers and a hygrometer and I'm doing it in a classroom I can get into over the weekend. Oh and last time there was a heat wave the day the eggs were collected. Over half the eggs weren't even fertile. Another 40% didn't make it to week three and the last ten percent died that last weekend with the temp issue , lockdown.

THX for your input. I want to avoid any mistakes on my first try at incubator use if I can. I've got 24 in there and will candle next Tues. to see how many are viable. Wish me luck and I do you! :)
THX for your input. I want to avoid any mistakes on my first try at incubator use if I can. I've got 24 in there and will candle next Tues. to see how many are viable. Wish me luck and I do you! :)
Good luck!
I can't wait to start incubating, but I'm going to have to wait until spring. I have several prospects lined up for eggs. Is it March yet???

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