Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

Well, I put 9 eggs in my DIY incubator yesterday evening. The first evening and most of the night went extremely well. I was concerned because even the warmest/most stable temperature room can get drafty since we heat with a wood burning stove. The temperature in the incubator stayed at 99 degrees(ish) until I went in and turned the eggs. After that, it had risen to 105 BUT, the heat lamp was directly on the thermometer and I think that it was giving off a false reading. At least I hope!
It wasn't at 105 for very long, maybe 5 minutes at most. I guess I shall see when I candle them. This is my first try at incubating and with a DIY incubator at that. I'm excited and scared all at the same time.
I even dreamed about my eggs last night.
Well, I put 9 eggs in my DIY incubator yesterday evening. The first evening and most of the night went extremely well. I was concerned because even the warmest/most stable temperature room can get drafty since we heat with a wood burning stove. The temperature in the incubator stayed at 99 degrees(ish) until I went in and turned the eggs. After that, it had risen to 105 BUT, the heat lamp was directly on the thermometer and I think that it was giving off a false reading. At least I hope!
It wasn't at 105 for very long, maybe 5 minutes at most. I guess I shall see when I candle them. This is my first try at incubating and with a DIY incubator at that. I'm excited and scared all at the same time.
I even dreamed about my eggs last night.
Good luck!!
Well, I put 9 eggs in my DIY incubator yesterday evening. The first evening and most of the night went extremely well. I was concerned because even the warmest/most stable temperature room can get drafty since we heat with a wood burning stove. The temperature in the incubator stayed at 99 degrees(ish) until I went in and turned the eggs. After that, it had risen to 105 BUT, the heat lamp was directly on the thermometer and I think that it was giving off a false reading. At least I hope!
It wasn't at 105 for very long, maybe 5 minutes at most. I guess I shall see when I candle them. This is my first try at incubating and with a DIY incubator at that. I'm excited and scared all at the same time.
I even dreamed about my eggs last night.

I hope you do well!!!

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