Beginner's Hatch-A-Long

have 15 turkey eggs and 3 chicken eggs in the coolerbator I built. Four of the the turk eggs and the 3 chicken eggs were shipped so we'll see! They went in Thursday. My first hatch attempt!! a nail biter, but lots of fun can hardly wait to candle! I haven't hand turned them yet, I've been doing the prop up one side of the the box method then prop the other side.

I calibrated the hygrmeter and made a couple more air holes the humidity is staying over 60% yikes.

Happy to see others checking the temp and stuff a million times a day like I am
I had two hatch normally on their own and had to assist two that were shrink wrapped. The third to hatch really struggled for the first week. Pasty butt, splay leg and droopy wing. It's now happy as a clam, running around with the other chicks, just a little smaller
glad the lil stinker is thriving!
I hope your hatch goes good! I know what you mean by stress out!
haha! If it makes you feel better, I was constantly checking the temperature in the incubator also. :)

See!! its not just me! lol I'm so excited with this batch I can't stand it. The lady I got the shipped eggs from already told me "don't give up if nothing happens this time" knowing its my first attempt.
I'm thinking no please let just a few hatch at least o poultry gods... so its on!! I'm trying hard to do it right
I have a feeling that my first attempt at hatching has failed. I candled the eggs on the 6th day, and only a dark area, no signs of veins or blood rings nothing. I'm going to check again Thursday night (my next night off) hopefully I'll see something.
I have a feeling that my first attempt at hatching has failed. I candled the eggs on the 6th day, and only a dark area, no signs of veins or blood rings nothing. I'm going to check again Thursday night (my next night off) hopefully I'll see something. :fl :bow

It could be too early still to see much. What color are the eggs? I have found it super tough to see anything in brown eggs. Always give it until day 10 or 14. :)
My first batch failed entirely, so i am on batch two. I'm expecting them to hatch on Monday. So excited because they looked good when I candled them yesterday at lockdown! Even had some wiggling going on!
My first batch failed entirely, so i am on batch two. I'm expecting them to hatch on Monday. So excited because they looked good when I candled them yesterday at lockdown! Even had some wiggling going on!

very exciting! hope it goes well!

I'm sorry to hear of failed hatches..

but thats right if mine fail I'm dusting off and goin again. don't give up !

I printed some charts and info on hatching I found on the forum here to help me keep track of what I need to do on a calendar sheet and stuff.

I guess the only way to know what I'm looking at candling is to handle the eggs and do the best I can, I'll be glad when its easier lol.
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I just put mine in the bator on Wed. night. I have hatched out ducks years ago but never chickens. This IS my first and I am sooooo excited I can't stand it. I wont be able to sleep a wink the night or day they start hatching I'm sure. lol :weee I have 43 eggs in the incubator. I'm just HOPING the majority of them are fertile. Mine are RIR's and maybe some B. Aussies but I'm hoping I got ALL RIR eggs in there. Going to candle them on the 7-8th day to see what the eggs are doing so I can REALLY get excited them if a bunch of them are fertile. 

The incubator I have mine in is my nephews. He let me borrow his since mine has small windows and his has a large one so I can really SEE em hatch. It's just one of the Styrofoam ones but that's all we need. Working great and his also has a fan on it mine doesn't.

Hee hee and me to on constantly checking the temp in the bator. Nephew tells me he doesn't put anything in there and that I am worrying too much. lol I have 2 therm. in there as well as a hydrometer. lol 

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