Beginning Free Ranging

When I first started letting mine out to free-range - I let them out about an hour before bedtime. I was SO nervous - afraid they'd run off or that I'd never get them back into the coop. However, as soon as it started getting dark, they all marched right back into the coop.

I always sit outside with them when they free range since we live out in the country with lots of hawks, bobcats, raccoons and other predators around. At bedtime I don't have to do anything other than just watch them - the go back in on their own. When I let them out at other times, I've found that MEALWORMS are the trick to getting them back in their coop. They love those dried mealworms and will go wherever I put them! When they see me get my treat cup and open the can where I keep the mealworms, they literally come running to me - follow me to the run/coop - and when I sprinkle the worms on the floor of the run, they scramble inside to start pecking. Then I simply lock the door behind them.

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