Behavior before first egg


Sep 2, 2015
My hens are 11 weeks old and just today I've noticed 1 will leave the group laying in the bushes, go back to the coop, lay down and chirp. Then she leaves and another one comes and lays down in the same spot but doesn't "talk". Is this anything? Newbie here so I have no clue on what signs to watch for really or what the egg song sounds like. I have 5 hens total and 4 of them are getting some really good red color on their combs and that anything either?
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Hi! Welcome!
What you describe is likely just growing up and practicing behaviors. The first one in the bushes is probably your dominant hen, the rest try what she just did. You will know the egg song when you hear it.
It'll sound like they are having a heated conversation. Best of luck!
Ok, thanks! I figured this has to be way to early but might as well ask on what it means. Can't wait to hear that song :)
Lol that song will make your day two of mine kept it up this morning agruing on a nesting box
there are three nesting boxes so far and only two laying hens!!!
Last night one of my BO's gave me the first submissive squat. This morning a second one did. I was so excited my family thought I was a nut! They will be 6 months on the 10th of September and no eggs yet so this is an exciting time for me because I'm thinking any day now I will get my first egg!
Lol now that i think about it mine never did that i had a dream about them laying eggs and three days later they started. Lol either i am completely oblivious to the egg signs and God just made sure i was ready or they didnt show any and he made sure anywayds lol. After the dream i was obsessed with checking for eggs!!
Got my first egg from one of my hens on Monday. Woop woop, joy, joy! She laid 3 days in a row and then stopped. She still acts like she is going to lay, getting in the nest box and sitting but nothing. I've checked her vent area and it seems fine. Still eating and drinking. Is this normal for a new layer?
Haha! The song is AMAZING! My roo does it right along with the ones practicing, and the one I have laying. It's hilarious, and I keep forgetting to record it! I have several still practicing, mine just turned 5mos, and just 1 laying, she's been laying for a few weeks (not consistently yet, sometimes it will be 3 days in a row, then others it will be lay and then skip a day, she skipped today, so hopefully tomorrow she'll lay)
Since you guys are talking about laying for the first time, I was wondering what your songs sounded like. This is our first time owning chickens and we got our Rhode Island Reds in April, I'm thinking they were born the first week. We've been (Im)patiently waiting for our first eggs and tonight one of the girls was on top of the coop making A LOT of noise. The other three were roosting inside but Sweety was SCREAMING haha we were worried something was in the chicken area hurting the ladies. My husband freaked out thinking we had a roo, but I'm 99% sure she's a hen. She does hen things, looks like a hen, and has never seemed rooster-ish, but what do I know. I'm definitely no expert haha. Is her screaming her beautiful song that will give me an egg soon!? Please say yes haha.

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