Behaviour changing with maturity


Aug 15, 2016
Morning all,
My Serama hen started clucking like a big girl for the first time today. She also stopped being timid around me opening the door and made a break for freedom while I was giving them their figs. Her doing that wasn't on my radar at all yesterday, she was always so cautious. Now that she's safe again and my pulse has stopped racing, I have questions: is it common for a chicken's personality to suddenly change like this? Also, my rooster was born around the same time as her but so far he's still making peeping sounds, will he start crowing soon or does that come later?
With maturity, pullets do seem to change their behaviour, yes. Guess your little fella with start crowing when he's good and ready- there's no real telling to be honest as all can differ.
How old are birds...did you get them as day olds together?
They are approximately three months old. I haven't had them long (about four weeks) but I have a photo of them both taken on the 13th May when they were "a few days old". It's possible she hatched a couple of days earlier.

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