Bengalese/Society Finch potentially injured his wing


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2020
So, it looks like my Bengalese injured one of his wings. Admittedly, I don't know how it happened, all I do know is it is NOT sickness. He was doing just fine, hopping, singing, eating treats. I left the aviary room for less than five minutes to find him on the floor with his wing positioned oddly. So either he hit something badly or one of the others (unlikely, I think) hurt him. He is eating, drinking, singing (though not as much) and moving about (though, again, not as much). He even was trying to court one of my females. He can do small upward flights, but the distance is short. If he tries to land downward, though, he often misses and falls down. He might be going to the vet tomorrow depending on if they have an opening, but for now... Here's an album showing the injury. What do you guys think? Sprained/Broken wing? I know for a break you usually see drooping, but here, for the most part, it kind of is just jutting outward.

I'd appreciate any and all advice!
So, it looks like my Bengalese injured one of his wings. Admittedly, I don't know how it happened, all I do know is it is NOT sickness. He was doing just fine, hopping, singing, eating treats. I left the aviary room for less than five minutes to find him on the floor with his wing positioned oddly. So either he hit something badly or one of the others (unlikely, I think) hurt him. He is eating, drinking, singing (though not as much) and moving about (though, again, not as much). He even was trying to court one of my females. He can do small upward flights, but the distance is short. If he tries to land downward, though, he often misses and falls down. He might be going to the vet tomorrow depending on if they have an opening, but for now... Here's an album showing the injury. What do you guys think? Sprained/Broken wing? I know for a break you usually see drooping, but here, for the most part, it kind of is just jutting outward.

I'd appreciate any and all advice!
I don't have any experiences with Bengalese Finch at all! But from a logical bird standpoint I can help. Seems like your birdie crashed onto the floor? And hurt itself somehow ruining the structure of it's wing. Happened to me once with a sparrow, it crashed from the sky suddenly, then it's wing got weird. It couldn't fly for the rest of it's fly so my granny kept it (this happened like when I was 3-4) so I think that as long as your bird eating, it should be fine because a bird can survive with a broken or sprained wing IF it eats. A vet obviously can X-Ray and find out what actually took place so. I think you should keep an eye on if the bird is eating or not, and contact a vet asap. You could try to apply some turmeric paste on the wing to soothe some pain if there is any. Keep us updated!
I don't have any experiences with Bengalese Finch at all! But from a logical bird standpoint I can help. Seems like your birdie crashed onto the floor? And hurt itself somehow ruining the structure of it's wing. Happened to me once with a sparrow, it crashed from the sky suddenly, then it's wing got weird. It couldn't fly for the rest of it's fly so my granny kept it (this happened like when I was 3-4) so I think that as long as your bird eating, it should be fine because a bird can survive with a broken or sprained wing IF it eats. A vet obviously can X-Ray and find out what actually took place so. I think you should keep an eye on if the bird is eating or not, and contact a vet asap. You could try to apply some turmeric paste on the wing to soothe some pain if there is any. Keep us updated!

I apologize for the somewhat late reply, I should have updated this but I've been a bit depressive. Unfortunately he passed away Wednesday morning. I'm not sure how I feel about it, honestly. Come Monday, he was actually doing great. His flying was a bit better and his climbing was getting great. He was singing, eating, talking... he was fine. However, just to be safe, I still put him in a transport cage and took him to the vet that day. The vet told me it was a torn muscle - or something to that effect - so it was inflamed, and he instructed me to give him specific Aspirin. Dissolve 3 325 mg tablets in one liter of water and give him that to drink.

On Tuesday he was fine, he was in a cage by himself and acted normal. Flying around a bit, eating, drinking, all that. He was upset that he was away from his partner, but aside from that... he was fine, I thought, nothing unusual.

Come Wednesday morning, I found him passed away in his cage. I've no idea how a "torn muscle" could cause death, but that, plus the stress seemed to be too much for him. I discussed this with an acquaintance who's dealt with finches for over 50 years and he told me the Aspirin advice was weird, but I don't know. He also told me that if he was flying around a bit and singing, he couldn't have been in much pain or suffering. I was scared he would lose flight so I wanted to be sure he was okay, but adding the stress and medicine might have been too much for him.

Bit of an upsetting update, but it might help someone in the future.

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