Best Book on Breeding/Genetics

This forum.
Ya know I'm wondering the same thing... I would love a list of dominant and recessive traits, and what happens with various combination's I saw that on the comb traits they listed.

Genetics of the Fowl: The Classic Guide to Chicken Genetics and Poultry Breeding

is the source they site.. I looked it up and you can buy it at Amazon for $40.00 but alas I'm a college student and money for extra books even interesting ones is kinda not possible. So I found a few I'm ordering through my college library system. One is Modern Live Stock and Poultry. I'm gonna keep looking and see if any have a list. I think I might also look at some of the college that specialize in agriculture, if they have a poultry science dept they might have info they will mail to you. I'm looking If I find any I will share it with you..

I hope you have a great day.

Thanks Christal - that was a great site. Try ebay and I've also found great prices for schoolbooks at I'm in school myself, so I know how it is - good luck!

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