Best breed for backyard coop?

I haven't read this entire thread but I read and read and read some more then I decided to use some personal requirements. One, disposition, brown egg layers and cold hardiness since we live in SE Massachusetts. It was pretty easy since the hatchery I bought from had such good descriptions and details about the breeds. I decided on Welsumer, Plymouth Barred Rocks, and Red Stars. Then Meyer Hatchery posted a you tube video on their FB page of Easter Eggers hatching and well, I caved and ordered 2 of them too! I am getting a total of 10 I wanted 8 but then I read that it is pretty common to lose a couple the first few days.
I am a big cochin fan and yes, the feed to egg ratio with them is pretty low, (my peafowl eat ess than they do) BUT they are pretty quiet. There have been times when I had only 1 standad cochin rooster and they seem to crow once or twice at dawn and that's it. As soon as there is a 2nd roo, the deal is off and they out-crow each other all morning. Still, if there were no roos out there I would hardly know there are 25-30 cochin hens here.
My 2 black Australorp hens are my quietest (i have 19 hens/5 breeds). But they are also the most standoffish. They want nothing to do with me when I visit and feed them daily. My favorite and friendliest are my Buff Orpington and Speckled Sussex :) they come running to me and walk and follow me every time I go outside. The quiet snobby Australorps hide! Haha
I have 2 Barred Rocks and they are only loud when they see me. When I spy on them and they don't know I am there- they hardly make a peep. I also have 2 Black Australorps and they make even less noise. Both are great egg laying breed and friendly. I would try the Australorps if I were you.

Love Barred Rocks. I am new to all this and my two BR's are funny, cute and affectionate.
I think silkies make a great backyard breed. The hens are generally pretty quiet. They're not very big, and they can't fly so they won't go anywhere. They are not great layers though- usually 2-3 eggs a week. The best docile laying hens we have are turkens and they're not that loud but sometimes they can be and some people think they're ugly.
I'm still learning -- what are RIRs? : )

Rhode Island Reds - a prolific brown egg layer, well adapted to New England. The "Brown eggs are fresher eggs" advertising slogan from my youth stems from this great breed. White eggs, of course, were shipped in from California or the MIdwest, hence, not as fresh.

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