Best breed for egg laying?


11 Years
Sep 16, 2008
What breeds do you think are the best layers?
We're thinking of getting some new hens but not sure which breeds and would really appreciate some input.
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if your just looking for mass amounts of eggs. white leghorns...brown eggs, RIR or a sex link(hybrid vigor in play there) with EEs you will never know what the egg situation will be but??? up to you
My Red Stars has laid an egg a day for almost a month now. I'm beginning to think she has a stash from the grocery store and is just sneaking one into the box every morning.
My girls are young - 6mo. old. However, I have been super impressed with my Cochins and Dominiques. They lay almost daily; they are sweet and absolutely gorgeous!
I think Red Star sex links are the best I've ever had! Although RIR and Barred Rocks are also very good! My red star laid the biggest brown egg's I have ever seen!! It was always in the same place and before 7am. She might have skipped a day once a month at the most!

Happy picking!

~Feather Dust
If that is the case, Kinnip, my red stars are copying yours. They are the BEST layers and soooo gentle, plus you are guaranteed girls. My girls eggs are a deep deep brown, almost as dark as the cuckoos and welsummers in my bator. I am a huge red star (sex linked) fan for sheer egg laying and nice disposition. I will definitely buy more.

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