best brown egg layers?

really its the hens you like the best. but for size of egg verses use of food and size of hen I can not think of anything better than the Golden comets. They are small, sweet natured, eat less but lay the largest brown eggs almost everyday. I however still like my big old girls the orpingtons. They lay less and have slightly smaller eggs but I just love them. Its a personal matter. for selling eggs, hands down the hybrids like the comets, and sexlinks. For staying power the orps. Gloria Jean

PS, they say the heritage Delawares are great layers too. Speckled hen has some of the most beautiful ones I have seen.
Gold comets,,no doubt,I have 12 gold comets and they lay nice large to extra large eggs everyday,hardly ever do I get less than 12 eggs from my 12 hens
Whats a golden comet? Any pics? other info. Not sure if they have them here in hawaii. Dont know much about chickens but learning more and more each day. I have australorps, RIR and barred rocks. Hopefully a few months to go beefore they start laying.
Its a cross between a New Hampshire male and White Rock female with the silver factor. Google it you will find pics
They are a sex link meaning you can tell their sex by their color as soon as they are born. They will not, however, breed true. You cannot breed a sexlink with a sexlink to get a sexlink. A golden comet is just one of the types of red sex links- sometimes referred to as the Red Star on hatchery sites.
Black Sex links, Cinnamon Queens, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds...

They are all about the same. Will give you 5 to 6 eggs a week.

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