Best Diverse Flock Picture - Win 3 month GFM - Just 2 days!


Well, it isn't 6 different breeds as I only have 4 chicks, but here are my Welsummer, Golden Laced Wyndotte, Barred Rock and Buff Orpington getting to know each other.

Here are some of mine!





I don't know why the first and last look so washed out. It happened when I uploaded them to photobucket. Weird.

So many great pictures, I know mine doesn't compare, but I wanted to share as well. Mine are babies, still; from left to right- lemon orphington (I believe 2nd gen lemon cuckoo orphington...) black laced wyandotte, buff orphington (although this one is feathering out in a very NOT buff orphington color, so maybe I have 7 breeds?), red bantam frizzle, black and white bantam frizzle, white silkie bantam, and then second buff orphington and wyandotte. The story behind my diverse flock (and the one random lemon cuckoo orphington) is interesting, but it's another story for another post:)
Darn...I have 17 different breed 2-4 week old chicks. Not really a flock yet. Should have some nice pics in a couple months.

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