Best Egg Layers


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me about my breeds of chickens and which ones are the best eggs layers and how often they lay by your personal experiences. Right now they are all babies.

I have:
Black Austrolorp
Silver Laced and Golden Laced Polish
Silver Laced Wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Mille Fleur D'uccles
Easter Egger
Cuckoo Maran

Black Austrolorps are great layers. There is one on record that layed 360 eggs in a year!
My Silver lace Wyandotte is a very good layer, laying about 5 per week.
My Buff Orpington lays nearly every day. Probably my best layer.
My EE lays very large green eggs but only lays about 4 a week. We think she adds color to the egg basket!

You've got good layers there. Have fun with them!
My black austrolorp lays a small light colored egg daily. They are a quiet shy birds. My best are my black sex links (they lay a large very dark egg) and RR's both lay 5+ a week.
Thanks! Personality traits would be nice to know too. The Austrolorp is very quiet and tame.
I Can only speak on the D'Uccles of the ones you have listed, and mine are great layers. I have 4 little hens and 2 roosters and I never go into their little house w/o getting at least 3eggs a day.
Black Australorp- Worlds best egglayer 364 Eggs in 365 Days
Silver Laced and Golden Laced Polish- Not Real sure
Silver Laced Wyandotte- Good Egglayer 250+
Buff Orpington-Good Egglayer 215+
Mille Fleur D'uccles- Not real sure
Easter Egger- Good egglayer of green eggs
Cuckoo Maran- Good egglayer of chocolate eggs
Yep nice little flock you have there. We have a few of the same breeds and I'll tell you how they do:

Buff Orp lays 6 or 7 large light brown eggs/week
SLWyandotte lays a smallish, cute light brown egg about 4 or 5 a week
Easter Eggers lay about 4 or 5 light green/turquoise eggs a week

as for personality,
out BO is super tame and friendly and smart!
The SLW is wily and a bit aloof
the Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers?) are gentle and sweet and a little shy, real smart

If/when the day comes and you need another breed, try the Barred Rock! A nice sized brown egg a day, and the friendliest/tamest of all our gals. In fact Eunice just jumped up on the bench here next to me!

Have fun!
Thanks you are all very helpful. We have a full grown Easter Egger, and she is so calm and sweet, but the new one is really wild and crazy. We have had a Barred Rock before, that is a nice breed too. We kind of just got the Polish and Mille Fleurs for their looks, not egg production. The one that confuses me is the one Polish chick. One is really wild and the other is so calm.

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