Best egg-laying Bantam? Let's give the Little Ones a chance?


7 Years
Jan 4, 2015
Southern New Mexico
I have always been pretty much a bantam lover. I appreciate that the smaller breeds eat less, and poo more conservatively. But are any of the Bantams good at egg production too? Have had Golden Seabrights, Old English Games, and Japanese in the past. None were very productive layers. Cuter than Heck though. Any non-bantam SMALL breeds of Chix that may be good egg producers too? Thanks.
Hi! I have Bantam Cochins and Silkies...both started laying eggs later(6-8 months of age) and lay about 5-6 eggs a week for us...unless they are broody of course...which happens...A LOT...LOL The eggs are smaller in size but great to eat! You just need more eggs
Many years ago, I had white leghorn bantams and they were outstanding layers, but the eggs were smaller than my silkie bantams, much like a cochin bantam, but more of them.

I suspect that a hybrid bantam could be an outstanding egg producer, just like the sexlinks in large fowl.
Thanks....for the quick feedback. I have always thought Cochin bantams were pretty, but have never had any experience with the bantam Cochins. Many years ago, my family had standard Cochins. They had great temperaments. I have never had any personal experience with Silkies, but have had friends that adored these cute guys/gals.

I have to regrettably admit that I have really never warmed up to any "white chicken", bantam or otherwise, so probably wouldn't consider the White Leghorns. I like the "Mediterranean body type" though. A hybrid bird is an interesting possible solution for egg production.

Many bantams love to covet eggs, and become broody. I don't mind that aspect, and would also like a few girls who could HATCH out a clutch of eggs now and then. We are also happy to crack more small eggs for the table,...than put up with feeding the heavier "Standards". Big, is not necessarily better?
Thanks....for the quick feedback. I have always thought Cochin bantams were pretty, but have never had any experience with the bantam Cochins. Many years ago, my family had standard Cochins. They had great temperaments. I have never had any personal experience with Silkies, but have had friends that adored these cute guys/gals.

I have to regrettably admit that I have really never warmed up to any "white chicken", bantam or otherwise, so probably wouldn't consider the White Leghorns. I like the "Mediterranean body type" though. A hybrid bird is an interesting possible solution for egg production.

Many bantams love to covet eggs, and become broody. I don't mind that aspect, and would also like a few girls who could HATCH out a clutch of eggs now and then. We are also happy to crack more small eggs for the table,...than put up with feeding the heavier "Standards". Big, is not necessarily better?

I agree about the white chickens, especially leghorns, but the leghorn bantams also come in the brown (wild-type) color that is very attractive. I haven't had those, but they likely lay well and are less prove to going broody than most bantams.

When I had the WL bantams, none ever went broody. I also had silkies and they spent more time broody than not, at least certain times of the year.
Please keep those recommendations for egg-layin' smallies comin'. I didn't say that my family also had Belgian d'Uccles, and they were fun little guys & gals. I really don't remember how well they laid though. I would like to try Belgian d'Anvers, but I have only had limited success with the two times I tried them, and they weren't good layers, or broody.

Are all the colors in Bantam Cochins good layers? A non-chicken friend INSISTS that I get Silkies. Any other ideas?

I would consider getting a mixed group of banties, selecting for different colors and different egg colors, and see what works well, and who you like best. Have some fun, and then maybe pick a breed to go on with. mary

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