
11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
What does everyone think is the best type of feed for the kind of ducks I have..I have 1 white crested female,1 white layer female,2 mallard females and 2 mallard boys..I feed muliti-flock pellets and cracked corn..They will not eat any type of vegetables..The ground is frozen so they have not got anything from it..I feed nightcrawlers 24 pack mostly everyday but Wal-Mart has been out for a few weeks they said it is just do to the weather..My ducks love worms..I was feeding layer pellets but was told it would hurt my boys eating that everyday..They lay really good eggs..I dont eat them or hatch them..I am going to try and hatch some this Spring for the first time..Since they have never seemed to want to sit on them...What does everyone think about the best feed type? Thanks
You don't eat the eggs???

My ducks are adults. They get meat bird food (high protein), cabbage, bok choy and other greens, alfalfa cubes soaked in water, whatever they scrounge in the yard...grass, bugs, etc...

I don't feed layer pellets because I have a drake. I offer oyster shells in a separate container for the girls. 2 are laying, one is molting.
well you dont have to eat the eggs but omg soo yummy. i take lettice and shredd carrots of mine and they love it. i also but them goldfish and put them in there pond and they go crazy.. other then that it is always duck/ water fowl feed
I have tryed all kinds of vegetables..They just wont touch it! I tryed the oyster shells they never touched it either..So is layer pellets bad if the boys are eating them also..????????
Is the multi-flock and corn fine?

I cant eat the eggs because I see them all as my babies..

I raised my ducks since they were tiny it is even hard for me to eat a chicken egg I bought from the store since my ducks started laying eggs...It just seems so weird to me..I got them as pets and never really gave any thought to the egg laying thing!!! Never knew I would feel this way!!LOL
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Layer pellets can mess up the boy's kidneys....too much calcium for them. I would still leave offer the oyster shells...they wont eat much. Just a nibble hear and there is they need it.
Mine love dog food and cat food! I mix with meat bird feed and cracked corn or sweet feed that I buy for the horses. It has alfalfa pellets in it and they pick thru and love it.... Also leftover bread....
Mine too but they primarily eat scratch but they (like my chickens) refuse to eat the little tiny redish brown sphere shaped seeds. I also have a small creek that goes through town here the kid's and I go to. It's packed full of creek chubs. In better weather we go fishing there and catch a dozen or two and feed them to the ducks. I've also bought minnows for them. They love em. Hilarious to watch the chase them in their kiddie pool.

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While ducks shouldn't eat bread, the swelling bread thing is a total myth.

They shouldn't eat bread because bread is nutrient deficient. It is the same thing as eating candy.

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