Best incubator up to $500

I have a Dickey and it is great! Found it for $200 from a friend who said he got in trouble with it. So, the downside, according to Jim is... you might hatch too many chicks.
I second Tornado's suggestion on the Brinsea if you want to stay under $500. Set and forget that puppy! If you are willing to spend a bit more, I agree with all the Dickey suggestions. I have both and they are both fantastic. I don't know your finances, but for me the biggest downside to the Brinsea is the size. I got the Dickey to be able to add and hatch eggs weekly. With the Brinsea, you are pretty much done till its done so to speak. I got my Dickey shipped to my door, with egg holders, electronic thermostat, and plexiglass door for $780 I think it was. Depending what you get, it could be more or less. I am glad I have my Brinsea still, but I could have saved about $350 (got mine on sale) if I would have gotten the Dickey to begin with. On the plus side, I use my Brinsea now as a hatcher.
Again, I don't know your finances, but if you can swing it and think you might want the freedom to incubate and hatch more at any time, make the investment for that freedom. The Brinsea alone for me was just too small after I got going...just food for thought...

Also, my Dickey holds just as steady as my Brinsea. And Earnest Dickey is a great man. Call him up. He will be more than happy to chit chat!
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Hi there,

I'm also looking to get the Brinsea 190... Is that the one you are refering to as too small? Also to the person that was nice to share the cupon code for 10% off of a Brinsea till April 15th, it's going to take me a couple of months to get the money together, do you know if they have this cupon on a regular basis or is it a one time deal only?

Brinsea has a Facebook page, and is sponsoring monthly hatch-a-longs here on BYC by offering a prize, plus the company generally releases a coupon code every month ON its Facebook page.

I don't have the 190 but a couple of BYCers I know do have that model. I've been told I should have just gotten a 190 cabinet incubator instead of the six smaller ones I do have.

As a Brinsea fan - BIG ONE - I would say go for the 190!!!!
Brinsea has a Facebook page, and is sponsoring monthly hatch-a-longs here on BYC by offering a prize, plus the company generally releases a coupon code every month ON its Facebook page.

I don't have the 190 but a couple of BYCers I know do have that model. I've been told I should have just gotten a 190 cabinet incubator instead of the six smaller ones I do have.

As a Brinsea fan - BIG ONE - I would say go for the 190!!!!

I have been at their facebook page several times looking for the coupon code but I have never been able to find it
Where in their page is it?

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