Best Meat Rabbits??

I think that is a fine plan. Highly sustainable.

Although I don't want you to think I will be just cutting them loose on pasture. I will be tractoring them in one of these .

Although the Zils (nickname for the Brazilian rabbits) would work fine in your setup. Seems one of the biggest problems rabbit growers have is cocci, whether they are caged or not. It is helpful to have something that is resistant to it.
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I'm setting up breeding pens for New Zealand Whites in the springtime.
They're heavy, so good for meat production and I've heard that the pelts can be sold pretty easily due to their pure white color.
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I think that is a fine plan. Highly sustainable.

Although I don't want you to think I will be just cutting them loose on pasture. I will be tractoring them in one of these .

Although the Zils (nickname for the Brazilian rabbits) would work fine in your setup. Seems one of the biggest problems rabbit growers have is cocci, whether they are caged or not. It is helpful to have something that is resistant to it.

Very cool setup... I like the slate sto keep them from burrowuing.. I may have to try both ways and see the results... thanks for the link...
*chicken+quail=luv* :

Message removed.

Thank you for your response and Thank you for removing your post even though youo didnt have too...
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Can you tell me how much Daniel is selling his rabbits for? I was thinking of contacting Polyface farms to find out. And do you know how far they will ship them? I am in Wisconsin so wondering if he would send a few bucks and does this way be feasible?

If not I have been trying to find dealers in my area and not been having very much luck here.

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