Best or favorite chicken breed

Anything that's not a layer hybrid.

My go to Duel Purpose breeds are:

Buff Orpingtons

Barred Rocks



Easter Eggers

Leghorns(Just don't like their floppy faces, & the white ones)

Silkies(Most don't like the idea of eating them, very good for both eggs, & meat)

Black Sumatras(Roosters can be turds, birds good for free Ranging)

CrackerFowl(great survivalist type)

Heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks(Large, & hefty)
Depends on what you are looking for. I personally love the color of the australorps and they have pretty good egg production. Recently got an australorp rooster and planning on raising out a bunch of half-australorps this year. For me, I guess it is more about the egg production and variety of color in the yard. Not really a fan of the stereotypical flock of all white birds with red combs and bare legs dropping white eggs.
What kind of attributes do you like in chickens? What about Welsummers (speckled eggs) or marans so you have some other pretty egg colors to go with your blue Ameraucanas eggs? If you want some white eggs, I really like my Silver Gray Dorking.
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What kind of attributes do you like in chickens? What about Welsummers (speckled eggs) or marans so you have some other pretty egg colors to go with your blu eAmeraucanas eggs? If you want some white eggs, I really like my Silver Gray Dorking.
I don't want any chickens for meat I just would like chickens with unique patterns or colors or unique eggs but I'm open to trying any breed
Agree Marans are a good choice for the dark eggs. If you decide to get Marans you are best getting from a breeder as the hatchery Marans egg color is hit or miss.
My Marans were rather late layers but they’re pretty consistent and lay about 5 eggs per week.😊

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