Best set up for a dust bath in the run? How to keep it dry?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm wanting to add a dust bath for my girls in their run. Right now it's just hard packed dirt and we're working on adding some wood chips, etc to make some better covering in there. They've dug awful holes everywhere and when we add the new ground covering they won't be able to do that. So I want to offer them an alternative. I was thinking an old tire filled with...i don't know yet.. but it rains a lot here in Indiana so how do i keep it dry? what is best to use as the bath itself, bath materials, and how to keep dry? Thanks! :)
They've dug awful holes everywhere and when we add the new ground covering they won't be able to do that.
Unless you're pouring concrete the chickens will be able to dig holes where they feel like digging holes. :) They'll love scratching through the wood chips.

IMO, it's good for chickens to have material like that to scratch and dig in. It works with their natural foraging instincts.

If your run is large enough, one of these turtle pools may work. You can put the lid on when it's going to rain and take it off in good weather. I'd fil lany dust bath with a mix of sand and loose earth. Some people like to use wood ash as well.
I have a tote and I pop the lid on over night and when it's rainy. I'm trying to get it under a bit of roof or tarp so it stays dry all the time but I'm having challenges... >.> But for now I've been putting their outdoor dishes in it at night to keep pests out of them.

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