Best setting for Sportsman 1502 - for chickens?


Jan 24, 2015
I have a GQF Sportsman 1502 cabinet incubator. I'm wondering what settings people use for the best results.

Currently I have the eggs set to turn for 1 hour. Is this too often? There is only a 1 and 2 hour setting. Worried this is too much because I use to hand turn 3 times a day.

Temps I keep at 100F to 100.5F

Are these good settings?
I forgot to mention that I'm not just interested in 1502 settings, but "the best way it can be done".

So I'm wondering if 1 hour turning is ok.
Also if a 50% humidity is ok.
Also if 100F is ok.
The 99-100 degree range is great. Most people shoot from 99.5 if their incubator is capable of that precision. I believe GQF recommends 100 degs as a starting point. If you have an thermometer you are confident in I would check temp in the middle of the incubator as the cabinet types tend to be hottest at the top where the thermostat sensor is located. If there is a large temp difference top to bottom of the cabinet I would go with center level temp at 100. Lots of ideas on humidity. May require a little experimenting on your part. I think everyone's gauges read a little different. Not all eggs lose moisture at the same rate. I use a wet bulb thermometer to calculate humidity level. 40% to 50% is safe for the first 18 days. Up it to 65% + last three. When it comes to turning eggs, more is better. 1 hrs interval is what the big commercial hatcheries use, but 2hr intervals work just about as well with 1/2 the wear on the turning motor.
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