Best tasting heritage breed meat chickens????

ok now our hens try to brood all the freakin time,( from spring to late fall) not too much in the winter, but with that you can let them raise the chicks when you feel like it,
we butcher chickens all summer and fall long
now to have chicks fist thing in the spring you will need an incubater or let a hen or 2 sit her eggs.
now we dont really butcher in the spring cause we already have a deep freezer full of all sorts meat to try to eat (deer, plenty of chicken, wild turkey, fresh beef, pork etc)
as far as losing chickens ares get picked off by predators all the time,

sorry i m trying to answer every question you have
as far as butchering your older rir hen i wouldnt. i guess unless your a commercial operation there still worth keeping around cause they still have a lot of layin to do. plus in my case if i butchered hens my luck something would eat the ones i saved,
plus killin a year and a 1/2 old hen, hens aint cheap to replace i sold an older neighbor all of our older buff orps, and got 12 bucks a hen and they were still lookin for more
do you have anything that has tried to brood?
Most chickens taste just about the same, so I can't really say which breed taste the best. White Rocks and New Hampshire Reds are big, meaty gals for eating. The Rainbow Cornish seem like a better choice if you don't want a Cornish X bird but are looking for a meat bird. The RC are meat birds that are suited for free ranging, grow a little slower than the CX but have the big, meaty breasts and thighs.

Have you ever tried crossing the cockoo marans and the dark cornish? That is a cross I am thinking of for meat birds.
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Yes I have had the black austrolops and my silver laced wyandottes want to go broody, but I take the egss and make them get out of the boxes. It is correct to think that most people raise a specific breed for meat and another breed for eggs? Or do people try a breed that is dual purpose?

thanks to everyone for all your comments. I love it.

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